had quite a tiring day walking the streets of orchard today with xueyun... plus, i woke up early today to attend this briefing in RI regarding my brother's subject selection.. as it ended early, i walked around junction 8 for close to 2 hours before making my way to somerset..
actually i had to work in the afternoon today.. but due to the last min notice of the briefing.. i was not allowed to change shift with sky but to give my shift to him.. sad.. lost a chance to make more money..
well, sad things aside.. we went to have lunch at this place where all the staff look like they just came out of jail and are very polite.. and the food is not bad and is considered cheap!! 5 bucks for a pasta meal inclusive of a soup, watermelon and salad.. haha.. went to shop at OG Orchard Point and got myself the largest polo tee from giordano junior.. and it fits me!! haha... tried on this skirt from OP... but too bad last piece and it's dirty.. so i'm still trying to look for the skirt elsewhere... shopped there for close to 2 hours.. then went over to specialist centre.. then over to hereen..
at hereen.. guess who i spotted??!! weichoong and derrick from project superstar!! weichoong was wearing this black hat with a white towel wrapped under the hat.. i spotted the hat first on 4th level.. then saw the hat again on 5th level.. so i took an extra look.. then he walked past me quite closely as it was crowded.. then i said to xueyun: "that's weichoong leh!! that's weichoong.." and i din realise that the people around me started to look at the direction that i was looking at.. haha.. then turn out that derrick who is rather short was with weichoong all along and i din notice him until a while later.. haha.. then we pretend to be looking at things in 77th street.. and they were behind us, trying out cap.. haha.. damn funny...
after hereen next stop was takashimaya.. then wisma.. it has really been a long time since i last walked and window shop so much and so long... the last time i guess was with wanshi after prelims... memories..
guess i found a friend that share some similarities with me.. same shoe size.. same waist size.. same taste..
read a book at polular today.. it's called betty and veronica best friends forever... u know.. the archie comics... ya.. that betty and veronica.. in that book, they mentioned that it's good to have more than one best friend.. when u fall out with one, there's always another one to seek for consolence.. and also, u can be have a friend to talk to, but she might not be the one that u can go out with as interest differs.. i guess it's the advantage of having more than one close friend.. and i'm lucky i got 3..
i'm just a gal, who wants love, from friends and family. if i may be a bit more greedy, from someone who can love me too.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
the bbq at downtown east was quite an enjoyable one.. was kinda awkward at first.. cos i forgot most of their names... oops.. haha.. so i went up to the room.. and there, i felt more relaxed with juana around.. haha.. we watched the jap show . then the stupid variety show by the jack neo family then the erie 9pm show.. and lastly.. the incredible incredible tales.. waha..
enjoyed all the chat we had on the bed.. next to the bbq pit.. haha.. all thanks to the 'show' put up by fook ping, xavier and peilin.. haha.. somehow, the world is so small.. ariel is wanshi's cousin, juana is nelson's sister.. guess it's fate that i was this class's SL... i'm actually quite surprised that my friendship with juana and fook ping is like as if i've known them for a long time... hmm...
i have thought through a couple of things these few days.. and i have come up with a conclusion: to take things in my stride...
enjoyed all the chat we had on the bed.. next to the bbq pit.. haha.. all thanks to the 'show' put up by fook ping, xavier and peilin.. haha.. somehow, the world is so small.. ariel is wanshi's cousin, juana is nelson's sister.. guess it's fate that i was this class's SL... i'm actually quite surprised that my friendship with juana and fook ping is like as if i've known them for a long time... hmm...
i have thought through a couple of things these few days.. and i have come up with a conclusion: to take things in my stride...
Monday, September 19, 2005
as usual, there's bound to be biaseness in a family.. in terms of the present u get for your birthday, or the kind of remarks u get from ur family.. it kinda becomes a part and parcel of life that it's so hard for me not to let it blend into my life..
stayed overnight at xueyun's place on saturday night with ailing.. suppose to take ting's car to harbourfront for terry fox run together on sunday.. but the lazy bum didn't want to go last min and so just ailing and i took a cab down to ting's place early morning.. while on the expressway ting's mom was talking about rain and the next min, the rain came pouring down.. and it din stop full till after the event.. was caught in the rain while walking to the beach carpark.. it was kinda chaotic and i was forced to do things that i din want to do.. hmm.. well.. it's over.. wad can i say.. just that i dun like ppl to assume things.. something that i always tell nicholas about..
met shaidah at parkway after terry fox yesterday.. had a long talk about that has happened lately.. well, guess so much things has changed that it's kinda hard to believe right??
it always happen to me huh.. raining just when i am about to go for work or when i'm on my way.. the latter is worse, esp when i nv bring umbrella.. and it happened to me today.. so, i ran in the rain and caught a flu.. plus the rain encounter i had yesterday.. i had a hard time controlling my sneeze while working.. lucky it didn't last too long.. and i'm well again!! yeah..
going for a bbq cum class gathering of 1H10 later.. i was their SL during the week zero orientation and kinda touched that they still remember me till now.. well, nelson's sister is in that class plus that cheeky class rep.. it's kinda hard for me to forget them either.. but kinda guilty.. cos forgot some of their names le.. oops.. it's very heart-warming when they crowd over me when they see me during movies under the stars.. when i saw them at terry fox run briefing.. kinda feel like their mother. haha.. they also say that..
things come and go.. so do friends.. but i certainly hope things will be the same as in the past.. i will reflect.. i hope u will too..
stayed overnight at xueyun's place on saturday night with ailing.. suppose to take ting's car to harbourfront for terry fox run together on sunday.. but the lazy bum didn't want to go last min and so just ailing and i took a cab down to ting's place early morning.. while on the expressway ting's mom was talking about rain and the next min, the rain came pouring down.. and it din stop full till after the event.. was caught in the rain while walking to the beach carpark.. it was kinda chaotic and i was forced to do things that i din want to do.. hmm.. well.. it's over.. wad can i say.. just that i dun like ppl to assume things.. something that i always tell nicholas about..
met shaidah at parkway after terry fox yesterday.. had a long talk about that has happened lately.. well, guess so much things has changed that it's kinda hard to believe right??
it always happen to me huh.. raining just when i am about to go for work or when i'm on my way.. the latter is worse, esp when i nv bring umbrella.. and it happened to me today.. so, i ran in the rain and caught a flu.. plus the rain encounter i had yesterday.. i had a hard time controlling my sneeze while working.. lucky it didn't last too long.. and i'm well again!! yeah..
going for a bbq cum class gathering of 1H10 later.. i was their SL during the week zero orientation and kinda touched that they still remember me till now.. well, nelson's sister is in that class plus that cheeky class rep.. it's kinda hard for me to forget them either.. but kinda guilty.. cos forgot some of their names le.. oops.. it's very heart-warming when they crowd over me when they see me during movies under the stars.. when i saw them at terry fox run briefing.. kinda feel like their mother. haha.. they also say that..
things come and go.. so do friends.. but i certainly hope things will be the same as in the past.. i will reflect.. i hope u will too..
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
is it the current lifestyle, my lifestyle or is it just me? i've been having aches all over my body, be it backaches, headaches or shoulder aches... guess i'm just not used to work after resting for 2 weeks.. plus at the rate waraku's business is picking up, i guess i'll need to visit the gym one day..
had my first jap lesson with mich on sunday.. kinda thought that i will regret signing up for this course cos i thought it might be just an action on impulse, but after the lesson i can guarantee that it is really out of interest... although it was a make up lesson i can tell that people who sign up for this lesson is really just purely out of interest and some, a necessity.. however i feel that some might that it as a competition, and it goes back to my previous post where i mention about not liking people that are competitive..
then there was the huge rainpour yesterday, that came just as i was about to step out of my house for work.. although i brought along an umbrella that was super big.. (something that i wun carry normally..) i was wet almost from head to toe by the time i reached the bus stop.. the rain plus the wind literally blow me away, with the attacks of the rain and thunder, i was a little worried.. at that very moment, i thought it would be great to have someone to go through this with me..
well, back to the rain, i saw this lady who got a super small foldable umbrella and the shelter part got blown till it goes the reverse way.. and i was like laughing silently.. cos she was in the middle of the road, with a lot of groceries, and trying to adjust the umbrella back to its original shape, until she din notice that her umbrella was not sheltering her... haha... and i told my mom about it and she told me about an umbrella joke that she know of when she was still in the working industry.. can ask me about the joke if u wanna know.. =)
and then today i went to sign up for driving basic theory test.. kinda went there blur, not knowing wad's the procedure and all.. lucky for this nice lady who gave me advice and all, and now, i'm on my way to my first step to driving a car!! yeah!! din tell many people about it cos i din wanna make it like a big thing and i would rather have some things to myself.. so please understand that i wun wanna talk about my driving lessons or test, unless i started the topic.. ya..
some people might think that it might be a bit too much for me.. to learn jap and driving at the same time.. so just to let u guys know, i'm fine with it as i have interest in both, and also, it gives me a chance to prove myself.. i dun wanna be seen as someone who always score bad grades, or at least grades that are always worse than some of u, neither do i want to have nothing to be proud of in life..
when i was in P6, i was awarded the "Friend of Singa" Award... and improved from position 23rd to 3rd for my prelims... nothing bragging here as these awards are like nothing now.. but just wanna say that.. that seems to be the last time i was proud of myself.. so now that i've grown to be more optimistic, i wanna achieve something in life, so that when i leave the world, i can proudly say that: hey, i did these..
looking at me, people might think that i have good friends, close friends, good family background.. i must be contented.. i cannot say that i am not because i really feel lucky to have known these close friends.. but somehow somewhere in everyone's heart, there's always a something that u want, and to me.. i am not contented with my life, i'm not happy with my life.. looking at the currently standard of living, it's hard to find someone who is contented.. but for me, i dun go for materialistic goods, but more of relationships.. friendship, kinship, BGR..
i am not a nice person from the first impression.. after knowing me, i am more open and more sociable than expected.. it's easy to be friends with me.. and it's easy for me to condemn u too.. wad i look for in a friend is personality.. i dun like it when u have to compete for something or u have motives for doing things to hurt me.. if i ever find out that there are such people around me.. dun be surprise if i just drop u out of my friends list.. it's a matter of integrity..
"..the worst enemies are the ones that are closest to you.. "this is wad my mother tells me from young..
had my first jap lesson with mich on sunday.. kinda thought that i will regret signing up for this course cos i thought it might be just an action on impulse, but after the lesson i can guarantee that it is really out of interest... although it was a make up lesson i can tell that people who sign up for this lesson is really just purely out of interest and some, a necessity.. however i feel that some might that it as a competition, and it goes back to my previous post where i mention about not liking people that are competitive..
then there was the huge rainpour yesterday, that came just as i was about to step out of my house for work.. although i brought along an umbrella that was super big.. (something that i wun carry normally..) i was wet almost from head to toe by the time i reached the bus stop.. the rain plus the wind literally blow me away, with the attacks of the rain and thunder, i was a little worried.. at that very moment, i thought it would be great to have someone to go through this with me..
well, back to the rain, i saw this lady who got a super small foldable umbrella and the shelter part got blown till it goes the reverse way.. and i was like laughing silently.. cos she was in the middle of the road, with a lot of groceries, and trying to adjust the umbrella back to its original shape, until she din notice that her umbrella was not sheltering her... haha... and i told my mom about it and she told me about an umbrella joke that she know of when she was still in the working industry.. can ask me about the joke if u wanna know.. =)
and then today i went to sign up for driving basic theory test.. kinda went there blur, not knowing wad's the procedure and all.. lucky for this nice lady who gave me advice and all, and now, i'm on my way to my first step to driving a car!! yeah!! din tell many people about it cos i din wanna make it like a big thing and i would rather have some things to myself.. so please understand that i wun wanna talk about my driving lessons or test, unless i started the topic.. ya..
some people might think that it might be a bit too much for me.. to learn jap and driving at the same time.. so just to let u guys know, i'm fine with it as i have interest in both, and also, it gives me a chance to prove myself.. i dun wanna be seen as someone who always score bad grades, or at least grades that are always worse than some of u, neither do i want to have nothing to be proud of in life..
when i was in P6, i was awarded the "Friend of Singa" Award... and improved from position 23rd to 3rd for my prelims... nothing bragging here as these awards are like nothing now.. but just wanna say that.. that seems to be the last time i was proud of myself.. so now that i've grown to be more optimistic, i wanna achieve something in life, so that when i leave the world, i can proudly say that: hey, i did these..
looking at me, people might think that i have good friends, close friends, good family background.. i must be contented.. i cannot say that i am not because i really feel lucky to have known these close friends.. but somehow somewhere in everyone's heart, there's always a something that u want, and to me.. i am not contented with my life, i'm not happy with my life.. looking at the currently standard of living, it's hard to find someone who is contented.. but for me, i dun go for materialistic goods, but more of relationships.. friendship, kinship, BGR..
i am not a nice person from the first impression.. after knowing me, i am more open and more sociable than expected.. it's easy to be friends with me.. and it's easy for me to condemn u too.. wad i look for in a friend is personality.. i dun like it when u have to compete for something or u have motives for doing things to hurt me.. if i ever find out that there are such people around me.. dun be surprise if i just drop u out of my friends list.. it's a matter of integrity..
"..the worst enemies are the ones that are closest to you.. "this is wad my mother tells me from young..
Saturday, September 10, 2005
exams are finally over.. finally.. this is the first time i felt so relax, yet so worried over exams.. and by the time i reach marketing paper, i literally blanked out.. again.. but oh well, at least i gain something out of this whole tensed period..
i told melvin i was stress over exams, he got glen and organised a k session.. i can be so ever weak, but i would prefer to project myself as a person anyone can rely on.. i guess when people say that they'll be there for someone, they just sad it at that moment to make the person feel better.. but, the person who accept the assurance will remember it forever.. looking back at my previous post, my sms-es, that person who said will stand by me, will care for me, will always be there for me is no longer here..
there goes a friend, but here come another one.. so is this wad they mean by friends come and go?? chatted with this friend 2 days ago, using webcam.. haven seen this friend for a long time, and i am guilty of something.. guilty towards this friend.. regardless of how i feel, i hope for u to be happy and well, and i am very happy to hear from u..
was clearing my table and i came across 3 letters... one from vanessa, one from yixiu and one from wanshi.. brings back memories.. nice to know that there are people who actually takes the effort to write letter to me.. to sustain the friendship even though we are seperated by the lifestyle of our own..
even though it was exam week.. i spent some time chatting on the phone... esp. with ailing and xueyun.. actually is to ask about the things that we were studying for the exams.. but somehow it ended to be a chat.. and it always happen that the 2 of them will call me one after another, and end up with a conference call.. haha.. but it feels good to be able to help them in their work.. although the satisfaction of completing the exam is low.. but being able to help them seems to make up for the satisfaction..
I'll be there for you
Bon Jovi
I guess this time you''re really leaving
I heard your suitcase say goodbye
And as my broken heart lies bleeding
You say true love in suicide
You say you''re cried a thousand rivers
And now you''re swimming for the shore
You left me drowning in my tears
And you won''t save me anymore
Now I''m praying to God you''ll give me one more chance, girl
I''ll be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breathe I want to be the air for you
I''ll be there for you
I''d live and I''d die for you
Steal the sun from the sky for you
Words can''t say what a love can do
I''ll be there for you
I know you know we''re had some good times
How they have their own hiding place
I can promise you tomorrow
But I can''t buy back yesterday
And Baby you know my hands are dirty
But I wanted to be your valentine
I''ll be the water when you get thirsty, baby
When you get drink, I''ll be the wine
I''ll be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breathe I want to be the air for you
I''ll be there for you
I''d live and I''d die for you
Steal the sun from the sky for you
Words can''t say what a love can do
I''ll be there for you
And I wan''t there when you were happy
I wasn''t there when you were down
I didn''t mean to miss your birthday, baby
I wish I''d seen you blow those candles out
I''ll be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breathe I want to be the air for you
I''ll be there for you
I''d live and I''d die for you
Steal the sun from the sky for you
Words can''t say what a love can do
I''ll be there for you
i told melvin i was stress over exams, he got glen and organised a k session.. i can be so ever weak, but i would prefer to project myself as a person anyone can rely on.. i guess when people say that they'll be there for someone, they just sad it at that moment to make the person feel better.. but, the person who accept the assurance will remember it forever.. looking back at my previous post, my sms-es, that person who said will stand by me, will care for me, will always be there for me is no longer here..
there goes a friend, but here come another one.. so is this wad they mean by friends come and go?? chatted with this friend 2 days ago, using webcam.. haven seen this friend for a long time, and i am guilty of something.. guilty towards this friend.. regardless of how i feel, i hope for u to be happy and well, and i am very happy to hear from u..
was clearing my table and i came across 3 letters... one from vanessa, one from yixiu and one from wanshi.. brings back memories.. nice to know that there are people who actually takes the effort to write letter to me.. to sustain the friendship even though we are seperated by the lifestyle of our own..
even though it was exam week.. i spent some time chatting on the phone... esp. with ailing and xueyun.. actually is to ask about the things that we were studying for the exams.. but somehow it ended to be a chat.. and it always happen that the 2 of them will call me one after another, and end up with a conference call.. haha.. but it feels good to be able to help them in their work.. although the satisfaction of completing the exam is low.. but being able to help them seems to make up for the satisfaction..
I'll be there for you
Bon Jovi
I guess this time you''re really leaving
I heard your suitcase say goodbye
And as my broken heart lies bleeding
You say true love in suicide
You say you''re cried a thousand rivers
And now you''re swimming for the shore
You left me drowning in my tears
And you won''t save me anymore
Now I''m praying to God you''ll give me one more chance, girl
I''ll be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breathe I want to be the air for you
I''ll be there for you
I''d live and I''d die for you
Steal the sun from the sky for you
Words can''t say what a love can do
I''ll be there for you
I know you know we''re had some good times
How they have their own hiding place
I can promise you tomorrow
But I can''t buy back yesterday
And Baby you know my hands are dirty
But I wanted to be your valentine
I''ll be the water when you get thirsty, baby
When you get drink, I''ll be the wine
I''ll be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breathe I want to be the air for you
I''ll be there for you
I''d live and I''d die for you
Steal the sun from the sky for you
Words can''t say what a love can do
I''ll be there for you
And I wan''t there when you were happy
I wasn''t there when you were down
I didn''t mean to miss your birthday, baby
I wish I''d seen you blow those candles out
I''ll be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breathe I want to be the air for you
I''ll be there for you
I''d live and I''d die for you
Steal the sun from the sky for you
Words can''t say what a love can do
I''ll be there for you
Wednesday, September 07, 2005

two papers down, two more to go.. CRS is a real killer subject... interesting to study, but bad for exams.. there were just too many things to remember and it drives xueyun, meiqi and i crazy.. haaha... but accounting to me was quite fine.. or it was so i believe..
2 more days and we are into our holidays, beginning of my new course, and i'm gonna take up driving lessons.. suddenly had the drive to learn more things.. learn new language, learn skill. maybe this is considered a start to a change towards my life's perspective.. i used to think.. why study so much, why know so much.. when u are dying, all effort will be wasted.. but now, i want to upgrade myself, so that i can use my skills to help ppl.. i learn driving so that i can drive ppl around, i learn new language so that i can help tourist to translate.. i make a point to understand what i'm studying for exam, so that i can teach my friends.. whereas in the past, i study for exams is just mainly to fulfil my mom's expectation of me..
perhaps is those kind of mentality and immaturity that was in me in the past, where i do things purposely to anger my parents, going against them.. however, i'm glad that i did not go overboard and still manage to be in a state that i'm happy to be in now.. the immaturity is gone, but going against them.. not yet..
wad really is friendship?? i like to be with friends that are there to help you and pull you up when u are down, make you happy when you are sad.. but sadly, there are those that are competitive.. comparing every possible things that they can.. before u do, pls think of other's feelings.. cos this kind of competition will actually make me disappointed in you..
looking at my sister, i feel jealous. she has friends that she can always rely on no matter wad, do things together, and stand by each other even from sec and jc.. i long for one.. i envy the kind of lifestyle that she's has, i envy the kind of friends that she has.. in the past, all these envy made me hate her.. hate her for having things that i do not have.. but now, i try to work towards my goals, aiming to achieve wadeva that she has, wadeva that she does, so that we wil have a common topic to talk about.. i guess this would be my greatest regret in life.. ever...
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