i'm just a gal, who wants love, from friends and family. if i may be a bit more greedy, from someone who can love me too.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
has SA meeting from 10am to 3.30pm.. had to come up with an important proposal. had quite a few issues that arised.. but i hope that all can be settled peacefully..
worked at the Cleo's Eligible Bachelors Party at the Ministry of Sound just now.. quite an interesting exposure for me.. was part of the catering team.. got to see the 50 guys.. in a rather surprising manner.. i was bringing a pile of food out of the VIP room.. then i was shocked by the 50 guys who were waiting outside the room.. and all were like eyeing on the food as i walk through them.. then after passing through, i thought i had missed my turn and walked back again.. then all the eyes on the food again.. then i realise that.. it's wrong again.. then i walked through them AGAIN.. and this time.. this guy ( i think it was michael leh) said stop tempting them with the food.. and i was like.. superly superly paiseh..
then in the crowd.. this another guy ( i think it was Tedric Ling) held my hand and passed me an empty beer bottle and said thanks.. i was like.. oh.. okie.. haha.. but overall it was funny.. and saw andy lee.. dressing was kinda off.. and mark zee.. okie looking only.. haha.. it was really an eye-opener for me tonight.. and the pay was not bad..
Our first SA event went quite smoothly, with a few hiccups here and there.. other than that.. all was fine.. thank all SA EXCO for making it a success..
scalded my hand last week while working.. till now.. it looks damn ugly.. sad..
something happened to my mom earlier this week.. and dad stayed for another 2 more days before leaving for indonesia again..
things and people changes over time.. and it's really nice to know that at least someone is still there to listen and talk to me when i'm feeling down and confused. thanks AL..
live with a clear conscience.. and that's wad i've been doing..
Saturday, March 04, 2006
attended my brother's prefect investiture.. the setting was quite grand.. like in harry potter movie's school hall.. and the head master was telling us the story of Lord of the Rings.. and the finale, the singing to the melody of "under the sea"... oh well..
then met up with yixiu at TM to book the place for our "honeymoon" trip to cameron and KL in march.. had tepanyaki for dinner at TM.. and there was a cute looking chef working there.. haha.. bet yixiu had enough of me talking about him..
then on sat, we went to "tamako", a jap restaurant at orchard area after work.. with my colleagues.. at first all of us were concerned with our budget cos haven get pay.. but after that.. we began to relax and started to 'snatch' food..
now i wish i have a digital camera.. finepix would be a good choice..

with a digital cam.. i can capture all the fun times i have with everyone.. till then..
the pic above is the pic taken for my portfolio for my modelling job.. of course cannot be compared with those model models.. but at least it is another source of income for me..
i have been doing nothing much these few days.. except fetching my brother to and fro school on certain days.. watching tv the whole afternoon.. and working only at night.. except for thursday..
went to work at the STB award event.. was involved in the kitchen, being the runner for the different zones.. for 5.50 per hour.. we work like cows.. running up and down the different levels of the esplanade.. topping up the food at the different zones that were attacked by "beasts" the moment the food land on the table.. there was no drinking water for us.. and we couldn't use the lift for a period of time.. the crowd was overwhelming.. omg.. and all for 5.50.. haha.. soo ling and arthur and i kept harping on it.. but it was truly an experience, helping in the kitchen rather than the usual service.. and i got an SIA hairdo!! haha.. they even got makeup artist to do the makeup and hair for the service staff.. but we kitchen gals get to enjoy the benefit too.. yeah!! but ailing was having a hard time managing her "butterfly" hairdo that kept falling down.. haha.. but, i believed all of us had fun..
next week will be working marathon.. working full shift 3 out of the 5 days... but.. there's the SA meeting on monday to look forward to.. the bbq with HTM and HTB IG on wed.. and my dad's return on thurs!!