i'm just a gal, who wants love, from friends and family. if i may be a bit more greedy, from someone who can love me too.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
took my time to get to work today.. quite a slack day.. cos i had no counter after lunch.. all because of the flight that was delayed for 1hr and 45 min.. in the end i had to do OT for the flight..
the delay in the flight resulted in the change of plans of collecting my costume for tmr.. but lucky i got the help from allie to collect it for me..
i'm assigned to handle the group counter today.. not a lot of groups, and i'm starting to get the hang of handling pax.. just today, the group of china pax was asking kelly about the things they can bring onboard.. just when they decided to handcarry their lugguage, i looked at it and ask. "are you gonna handcarry that? it must be less than 7kg. pls put it on the scale to weight it".. then he did as he was told... and the weight of the bag was 9kg.. i looked at the bag and said to him and kelly "too heavy. check it in".. and kelly started to laugh.. she said i said it in a very diao way.. and it's after all the hassle then in the end he still has to check it in..
and then we were swiping the passport for the china group.. we came across this name.. "song bo" haha.. kelly and i were like.. "song bo!!" and he really turned around.. damn funny..
and the afternoon was spent singing together with kelly.. in between check ins of course.. haha.. and giving each other chinese spelling.. the result of boredom..
i'm so looking forward to the dnd tmr!! will update you guys on that again.. =>
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
did morning shift.. and again.. worked part time outside of cathay the whole of yesterday.. os today was like.. lack of sleep again..
but the fulfilling thing is when u try your best to satisfy the needs of your pax.. and they say to you " thank you!! you really made my day".. i got 4 of that today.. feels damn good..
but today is extremely tired.. cos all flights are super full and i happen to sit right in front of the queue..
went for mani and pedicure with amanda for this friday's cathay dnd..
i got nice nails today!!
Monday, November 27, 2006
something funny happened.. yesterday i got this pax that came to me for check in.. he asked about his friend, whether he has checked-in already.. so he spelled out his name in the hkg slang.. "tam t-a-m, kam k-a-m, man m-a-n".. haha. alison and i were like controlling our laughter all the way until he left the counter.. the way he say it.. it's just damn funny..
then today.. i checked in that tam kam man pax.. haha.. he was looking for his e ticket and his passport.. and he was one of the last few pax for the flight.. so i asked for his name.. and then he spelled it out for me the same way his friend spelled out for me.. "tam t-a-m, kam k-a-m, man m-a-n".. haha.. i was like.. laughing la.. haha.. not lol duh.. it was quite funny..
went out with ailing for catching up session.. nic fell ill.. so didn't join us.. it was really a nice time.. spending time with each other.. gossiping.. and talking about heart matters..
gonna meet again!!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
yesterday was hectic day.. off.. but helped out at the amazing waiter's race held at novena square.. quite an eye-opener.. seeing the rep from different hotels competing..
dicussion in progress...
one of the contestants setting the table in the speed setting category..
a new style of table cloth.. tuxedo..
mocktail.. by the conrad oscars... cool..
the winner.. from laguna golf and country club..
after that.. i went over to jasmine's place to give her a surprise for her birthday organised by her boyfriend.. so sweet..
then it's another rushing to punggol park for nelson's birthday party.. it was such an awkward situation.. my god.. but glad to see him enjoy himself.. and success in slimming down...
back to work.. it's alright as usual.. getting used to the routine work.. however routine it may be, it is still very nice to encounter different pax and situations everyday.. like wad helen say, everyday is a learning experience..
went to attend a wedding.. my mom's cousin's wedding.. the food took super long to be dished out.. my god.. starving like hell.. plus the music played was kinda.. off.. techno music when the first dish was brought out.. haha.. bored to death.. no one to talk to me.. and the people at my table were talking so loudly.. no.. shouting so loudly.. i could barely hear the music or the mc speaking..
gotta catch some sleep.. tata..
Friday, November 24, 2006
another morning shift.. time for sleep is so limited.. work was fine.. but workload pilling up due to the large no. of groups travelling.. some frustration with the colleagues when working together.. but it's all parts and parcel of life..
suppose to watch movie with chi, lin and amanda.. but amanda sick.. lin broke.. so called off..
then at night suppose to meet up with ailing and nic.. but.. called off also..
kinda disappointed.. though i can make use of the time to rest.. but it just so happen that only mom and i are at home for the night.. got pulled in to do all the chores and errands for her.. man.. not my day indeed..
Thursday, November 23, 2006
another long day.. guess i need to adjust back to the long shift hours.. next month there'll no longer be any short shift for us.. sad..
busy busy day at work.. holiday period.. think the load is getting heavier by the day..
just got my schedule for next month.. poor me working on christmas.. till the night somemore... man.. lucky there'll be other ppl working same shift as me.. after that can go and play.. or even the eve.. these kind of lifestyle is for ppl like me, with no one to spend the festive season with..
went to take a look at the costume for cathay dnd.. ended up renting a hanbok.. something that i've always wanting to don on to just have a feel of the foreign culture..
tired tired..
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
a long day for me.. dad left in the morning.. on the 8am flight.. i start work at 9am.. but left the house together with dad at 6.30am.. followed him through the queue for check in.. into the transit area.. then to the gate..
watching him going into the gate.. turning around.. waving to me.. tears just started flowing.. behind his back of course.. sad..
check in counter was kinda hectic.. with all the over booking... we just come to know that in the past cathay's no show rate is very high.. therefore the hkg reservations always does a lot of overbooking..
however now, our no show rate has decrease tremendously due to tix like "valid on flt date shown".. but the hkg side still continue the practice of serious overbooking.. thus create problems for us here in singapore.. sigh..
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
just came back from malaysia.. nothing much la.. one of the exciting thing is that i got to speed!!! haha.. dad allowed me to drive in malaysia, and when the both of them were asleep, the speed went up to 150km/h!! cool feeling man...
went genting... then went to ipoh to look for father's old friend who owns a farm.. we ate A LOT.. cos the friend's daughter is pregnant.. and feels hungry every one or two hours.. so everytime we she feels hungry, we will have another meal.. omg...

we went to visit this cave.. called "ji le dong"..
this is the family of my dad's old friend..
dad and mom...
oh, btw, i sneaked into the casino in genting.. tried my luck at the jackpot.. but.. hmm.. guess u'd have already known the outcome huh..
but through this trip.. there has been a lot of enlightenment.. this pregnant lady when for this buddhism thing.. in chinese is called "xin ling gou tong".. direct translation: heart communication.. the monk told her that we are actually able to remember things from our previous lives..
she asked about why she always feel a pain in her back.. she looked back.. and she saw herself falling from a horse while fighting in a war in the olden days... back then, she was a soldier..
and she asked why she's so particular about cleanliness.. then she saw herself in the english days.. in a big palace... and she always orders her maid around to clean the house.. and the interesting thing is.. her father back then, is now my father!!! and she said the father she saw was angmoh looking.. but can tell that he's my father.. and her current father was her gardener's son in those days.. i thought it was amazing.. how such things can actually happen.. as in.. how amazing.. someone can actually looked back at her previous lives.. perhaps that's why my dad got to know her dad..
she also saw herself and her mom being mother and daughter for about 2 to 3 lives.. fate huh..
also, the monk mentioned that when ppl mention go to hell, they actually recarnate to be human again.. therefore, the earth is also hell.. because when u talk about hell.. u'll imagine people who are limbless.. blinded.. tortured.. starving.. bad weather.. evil ppl.. all the above mentioned, don't u realise that they actually exist on the earth too? interesting.. really interesting..
so much of enlightenment.. now that i'm back, i'm actually more conscious of my habits.. as well as my attitude towards certain things..
today's work is really a refreshing one.. partly because i've been off from work for the past 5 days.. it's also nice to see my colleagues again.. however nv get to see my close colleagues.. hmm..
dad's going back tmr.. sad...
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
exchanged my long shift for a short one with yixian.. helped with the group for 714.. 100 over pax.. it was a mess.. the two new staff.. omg.. dunno wad to say.. problem.. then becomes like my fault.. xian..
went to far east to exchange my spoilt watch for a new one.. and it was easy.. haha.. then bought a new watch for ailing.. that time when i went to bugis and waited for her noticed that her watch has stopped working.. hope she'll like it..
after which, went to ps to look for amanda and alison.. had lunch.. then went over to somerset to meet cleo..
then.. to conrad for meeting.. busy day.. lots of things to do..
stupid auntie came at the wrong time.. the day before i going malaysia.. wth..
kinda cool to be able to go malaysia during my sip.. not very far.. at least it's somewhere huh.. hehe.. pics coming up.. pls be patient..
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
did short afternoon shift today.. but before that i went to send my brother off with my dad.. so touched to see my brother from far.. seem like a grown up teen already.. aaww...
sneaked into the transit area to send my brother to the gate.. was freezing after drinking pure chcolate from coffee bean.. haha.. hope my brother will not give me too much of a surprise when he comes back from taiwan..
today is a slow day.. afternoon flights was not very full.. so i spend time talking to samantha.. haha.. but of course, when there's all the time in the world, service to pax are more personalised..
today at home, it's just dad, mom and i.. kinda weird feeling.. feels like as though i am the only child, and we are going on a holiday on thursday.. feels damn weird.. but it's a nice feeling, to have all their attention on me.. having my dad asking what time i knock off, whether i've taken my meals.. what i wanna eat.. things that they normally are not as concern.. sigh.. come to think of it.. does it only has to be the time when i'm the only one at home with them?
but.. i shall be satisfied with my life.. the way it is..
Monday, November 13, 2006
there was so much happenings over the weekends.. spent time consoling my colleague who met with some unforseen misunderstanding..
today's work was smooth sailing.. and it's challenging to take care of my own counter and pax, and be my neighbour's 'trainer'.. sarjan singh is his name..haha..
mom's not feeling well today.. so dad bought packed food for dinner..
brother's going to taiwan for a month tmr..
Saturday, November 11, 2006
did departure duties for all flights today.. tiring man..
had a headache.. then my feet hurting.. omg.. guess that's probably because i've rest for 3 days without working.. haha..
my dad came back today... yeah!! i does not really make a big difference... but the thought of the head of the family at home is fantastic.. a great sense of security.. went to my grandma's house for dinner.. dunno why my appetite was so good.. haha..
tmr is my off in lieu.. yeah..
oh. btw, pics for the award dinner and the intern day will be posted up soon..
Thursday, November 09, 2006
today's suppose to be an off day for me.. but Cathay won the airline of the year again for the Centre of asia pacific aviation.. so.. lin and i were chosen to be the escort for Cathay's CEO, Mr. Philip Chen.. up on stage..
well.. we went for threading at little india.. then went to the toilet at pan pac, spent 2 hours putting on our make up.. and bunning our hair.. haha.. went over to waraku for a bite.. then came back.. ready to 'work'.. i shall not go into the details.. but was kinda disappointed at the end of the whole thing..
yesterday was intern day.. haha.. sort of.. chi jun, yixian, amanda, alison, lin and i went shopping at orchard.. haha.. i was on super super budget.. so didn't really have the mood to look at the different things on the rack.. however, i really enjoyed the company.. and chi jun's cookie.. very nice!! in the end, i manage to get a jacket from far east..
hope to have more of such outings like these.. =>
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
did long morning shift today.. morning was busy busy.. till closing afternoon it was kind of slack.. nothing much happened today.. except my colleague doing group counter forgot to uplift the 17 tickets from the pax.. poor yixian doing the ticket stats had to write in so many pending forms..
suppose to go look for costume for the cathay DnD.. intend to rent a hanbok.. but if i can get one at a reasonable price i dun mind buying it.. but apparently it's quite costly.. sigh.. budget..
i was told by helen today that lin and i are chosen to be the escort for philip chen.. the CEO of cathay.. for the prize giving ceremony thing for the best airline of the year.. haha.. being tall isn't such a bad thing afterall.. but it's such a super last min thing, (it's on this coming thursday).. i had to forgo waraku.. minus $20 le.. sigh.. think this month my pay not enough for them to deduct lo..
having my jap retest for elementary 2 this coming fri.. i haven studied.. and i have stop touching the books i think about 8 months ago.. my god.. i'm like so dead..
at home alone.. shawn's at camp.. dad's in indo.. sis's in NY.. mom's out singing.. got a surprise call from my dad.. just when i needed someone to talk to.. not heart to heart.. but it's so heart-warming to hear a voice from a distant place.. so touched.. first thing he asked was about my job.. then if i'm alone.. then he said he just called to see if everything's fine.. and before he put down the phone, he reminded me to take my meals.. sob.. i miss him so..
Monday, November 06, 2006
did groups check in all the way for today.. partner with this new staff... my gosh.. i dun have the time to even look at my watch, or drink my milo.. the amount of boarding passes for groups per flight in the morning is about 3 inches thick.. can you imagine..
and my manager wasn't helping by hovering around me..
i was able to concentrate on my job and do what i was suppose to do.. and lucky for me.. no mistakes today..
went to k box with kelly and amanda after work.. guess it was really time for me to relax..
k session at cathay cineleisure.. it has been a long time.. really..

this is kelly.. innocent kelly.. => amanda and i had fun being the backdrop singer for kelly.. haha.. quite funny.. laugh till my voice changed and i had to warm it up further more to continue singing.. haha.. and we were so high.. standing on the seats.. following jay's and jolin's dance moves.. attempting to rap jay's new song.. haha..
2nd time k-ing with amanda.. it's really scary to know that we have so much in common, and now we can't even tell our voice apart when we sing.. haha.. glad to have you as my friend.. =>
the satisfied look on our face after 5.5 hrs of singing!! i really sang my hearts out.. thanks to these two friends... i now feel less miserable.. => thanks for the company..
Sunday, November 05, 2006
i think friday's bad luck is snowballing till today.. had difficulty getting out of the house.. miss my transport in the morning.. had to take cab to work.. makeup and hair on the cab.. hair without wax.. makeup without eyeshadow and mascara..
felt so shagged.. although i had an early rest last night..
yesterday had classroom session.. friday's incident really hit me hard i think.. cos it was in me all the while through yesterday and today..
went to visit the singapore island country club.. all the fancy cars.. farrari.. BMW.. Audi... Merc.. many more.. first time looking at the golf course..

notice the clock?? it can turn 360 degrees and it is branded.. rolex.. this is really a place for the rich man.. we were lucky to be able to sit on those chairs that rich tai tais sit on..
Friday, November 03, 2006
bad day.. really a bad day.. so bad till i broke down at the end of the day..
first mistake of the day: issue lounge card to wrong pax. aillance card member ruby should not be given a lounge card.. but the system prompted.. and i didn't check carefully, so i just issued the lounge card.. this mistake made me worried so much.. worried that the pax will get rejected at the lounge and spoil his day...
2nd mistake: i forgot to tear the ticket for one of the pax.. put in a msg for the gate to help me uplift the ticket.. but apparently they didn't.. before i put in the msg i made sure that the gate will not be too busy with other msges.. but turned out there were only two.. so i put in the msg... only when i went back to the office, the person doing the ticket stats told me i was down by a ticket.. the first thing that came to my mind was "oh shit". my colleague who was with me saw me put in the msg, and it was just 9 mins after the pax left my counter. but the departure staff said she did not receive my msg. after all the checking they said it's impossible that she didn't see the msg. then they went to search for the boarding pass of that pax and realise that it was torn manually and not cut by the machine, meaning the machine reads that there's a msg for this pax but apparently action was not taken.. then the departure staff went around telling ppl i put in the msg after the pax boarded.. and i pulled her down.. things like that.. i was already feeling so super guilty.. then there were so many helpful colleagues helping me to double confirm all the happenings.. and sending a msg to hkg to uplift the ticket at the sector. sigh..
then, i wanted to take my appraisal which i left in the slot.. but i could find it anywhere.. that was it. i couldn't take it anymore.. i went into the locker room and cried silently.. but one of my colleague still saw, and help me to look for my appraisal.. turns out to be another persons slot.. think someone took it and look at it.. but put it back at the wrong slot.. i was so relieved, yet pissed with all the happenings..
then earlier in the day i met this pax on business class, member.. two lugguage 36 and 37 kg respectively.. max weight per pc is 32.. i haven even touch on excess bag yet.. only on the safety issue, she starting screaming at me with the super broken indo english accent.. omg. i was not given a chance to speak. i ask her to repack.. and the porter wanted to bring down the bag from the scale for her, but she told the porter " don't help her". so i had to pull the 36kg and 37 kg bag down from the scale, and i think i hurt my already injured back.. pain.. sigh..

bad day. really bad.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
today's flight was alright.. nothing special in particular.. only one thing.. i kept forgetting to return the pax's itinerary to them!!
today at the counter had lots of small talks with my colleagues.. i've nv ever thought about going into uni for further studies.. but seems like the rest of the interns are all thinking along that line, making me feel inferior.. i've always thought of myself to start working immediately after i graduate from poly.. but after the small talk with one uni student from curtin and from chijun, i have second thoughts about it.. make me feel so confused about my future.. =<
besides talking about studies.. we were also talking about trips to overseas and all.. like going to bkk, or johor for seafood.. things like that.. haha.. and a few of us are going shopping spree next week!!! yeah..
suppose to meet ailing and nic tonight.. but nic gotta do OT.. so only met ailing.. suppose to meet at 7.. but her pax made me wait for her till 9 plus.. but it's alright la.. while waiting, got this stalker, trying to make friends with me.. and american indian.. irritating.. i was walking around bugis and apparently he was following me all the while.. scary.. he asked for my name.. of course i din give.. but he didn't give up.. in the end i seek shelter at ailing's workplace..
it has been quite a while since i sat down and have a chat with ailing.. hmm.. talked about fun stuff and serious stuff as well..
oh well.. we'll think about the issue when the time comes..