i'm just a gal, who wants love, from friends and family. if i may be a bit more greedy, from someone who can love me too.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
we'll be meeting shao and gang at the hotel in taipei.. and that's quite cool la.. haha..
when i first entered cathay, i got a new pair of hush puppies heels.. by the second day, i couldn't walk in those shoes.. so, they gave me a pair of seasoned shoes.. and i survived on it till yesterday... it gave way.. and they gave me a new pair of shoes.. and it turns out to be the shoe that i first got when i got into cathay.. looks like wad goes around comes around huh...
i'm beginning to feel the excitement of going to taiwan.. so is my manager!! haha... she gave me a passport holder, a toiletries bag, and a luggage!! so nice of her to offer her help and her things for me to use.. haha..
till the end of this week, i guess it'll be quite difficult to lift my mood.. saw stefanie sun.. chked in to eygpt.. looked kinda weird in real.. but i got her signature on her boarding pass!!
grandma is getting better le... a load of my shoulders.. phew..
Thursday, February 22, 2007
she was still quite active during the first day of new year.. giving out angbaos.. and the next time i see her.. she was lying on the hospital bed, weak and frail, going in and out of sleep so very frequent, sometimes i dunno if she's just resting or she's really asleep. her eyes seem to be tearing every now and then.. and i know she feeling pain.
on my contemporary interview day, worked in the morning and quarrelled with my colleague.. cried.. eyes swollen.. plus still feeling sore about my grandma.. and the interview din turn out well as well..
got pang se by friends.. left alone aimless.. dunno where to have dinner on my own..
then today got complained by passenger.. when i honestly dunno where i went wrong.. nvm la.. it's just not my year.
went to visit my grandma again.. she got transfered to the icu.. her intestine or stomach seem to have a hole and she vomitted blood yesterday.. now she can't eat or drink.. but she seem to be more concious today.. i wonder what going through her mind.. she probably doesn't want us to worry about her.. that's why she kept asking us to go back and dun need to visit her if we got no time for her.. she's probably being selfless.. before i left.. i told her not to think too much and rest well.. think she couldn't take it anymore and show signs of crying.. of course i got affected and teared too..
i'm thinking of the worst situation, but of course i wish to see her standing on her feet again.. and i'm keeping my fingers crossed.. she will get well.
for the first time i joined cx.. i feel that i'm unsuitable for the job.. i can't control my emotions well enough.. now i'm doubting my passion.. doubting my choice of career..
and my mom has to bring her friend's son to waraku and see me work.. and intro him to me.. make me so paiseh.. wth.. i want a bf.. but i'm not so despo to resort to matchmaking can.. fed up.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
had a CNY dinner with the FBMA people.. and first time i 'lau hei' le!! so exciting.. then we got to use those long long chopstick to 'lau' the thing.. haha.. cool..
and of course!! not forgetting myself!! i like the top.. hehe.. it's from topshop..
one more thing.. i went to my dad's boss's house.. and then saw thing mahjong table.. then shuffles the tiles.. and stack them up.. AUTOMATICALLY.. haha.. and that's quite cool la..
Sunday, February 11, 2007
went to T2 on wed.. to look at the decor for CNY..

and while the cake was being taken care of.. liyan and i were self entertaining ourselves!!
and the "diao" face.. with the extra help from sharmaine...
and sat is like hell day.. cos it's fitness test.. let me tell u the state i'm in now and u guess wad happened k? i can't walk after the test, and used up one whole pack of salompas (10 pcs)on sat night.. and another pack (another 10 pcs) tonight.. so.. there u go.. i conclude i'm not a sporty person.. haha..
btw, i wanna thank amanda for supporting me and encouraging me during the test.. feel really bad for pulling u back.. love ya, freaky twin!!
karin left for australia to further studies le.. take care babe..
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
last sunday we had a IG AY04/05 gathering.. it was fun and having all the ppl back together really brings back memories... how we worked together for events and activities.. well, sha and i drove around to get cake and satay.. then went to mich's house. funny thing is we walked in from my house, and we were there earlier than the owner of the house.. haha.. so we sat at the porch.. and have fun taking pictures...
yeah. haha.. the 'family' picture will be uploaded soon..
my outline is finally approved!! yeah.. and ms tan was really helpful in guiding me to do my research paper. after that, went to TM with mich to get my mom's watch fixed.. and i bought a couple of things for myself as well..
then, off to airport to make my new airport pass. going back to the CX office.. oh man.. i miss that place.. saw ppl like shiow li, azean, min, charmaine, steven, and many more.. and shiow li gave me more working days!! yeah.. more working days = more $$. haha..
look at the picture below.. look wad the airport police did to our face.
they like stretched our face horizontally la!! haha.. but it was quite funny.. had dinner at sakae sushi... and gossiping.. as usual.. the bimbos at work. hehe.
oh, and today i went to the national library with mich and ailing.. my god, it's like the first time i've been to a quiet library??!! so quiet the 3 of us 'talk' through msn.. when we're just next to each other.. haha..
Friday, February 02, 2007
it was lunch with ailing and mich.. sat at mushroom for 45 mins waiting for mich.. and with the super strong wind blowing at us from all directions.. i must say, it is a 'feng'full day. haha..
lecture was kinda boring.. with 3 speakers.. my outline finally got approved!! haha.. then off i went to meet my aunt with amanda to borow her car for the night..
drove to yishun, linda's place for pyjamas cum mahjong party. haha.. mahjong from 5 plus till 3am.. but i lost 10 bucks. we had mango cake, beard papa, brownie with ice cream, dessert, fried chicken, vegetable, egg and prawn, etc. it was so filling man, but shiok.. haha..
alright.. after mahjong, we did the most outrageous thing that i've ever done in my life.. go to orchard road cineleisure to k in our pyjamas at 3am in the morning!! haha.. yes.
we sang till we felt the itch in our throat.. and really went all out. haha. it was fun, trying to run about trying to hide from people staring at us. oh btw, it's really convenient having a car. we drove to cineleisure, and then made our way to east coast park to catch the sunrise.. so romantic right? haha..
look at the obasan walking on the reflexology stone early in the morning.. in her pj.. haha..
morning condition of the bedok jetty... dark and cold..
look at our face. it's the face of not sleeping for more than 20 hours. haha. amanda still looked quite bright huh.. haha.. we were bored while waiting for the sunrise..
in the end we feel the sky getting brighter.. but no sign of the sun at all.. then we realise we might be waiting at the wrong side of the east..haha.. but hey. we caught the first glimpse of daylight k?
looking at our hair, you should be able to imagine the strength of the morning 'breeze' right?
then it's off for breakfast.. and we decided to settle it in the car.. so we went to mac's drive thru.. hehe..
so all thanks to the car, we are able to move around the island in minutes.. and relax.. haha.. by the time i send the obasan home, she was dozing off already.. haha..
and to end of the outing, cheers to us!! (time of picture taken:08:05am. notice the sleepy eyes of the obasan..)