btw.. chk out the size of this dog..
for ur info.. it weighs above 50 kg..
i'm just a gal, who wants love, from friends and family. if i may be a bit more greedy, from someone who can love me too.
btw.. chk out the size of this dog..
saturday was spent at mind's cafe with xiu, sha and nelson.. ailing came and join us for dinner and i'm really glad she was willing to join us.. dunno why but always feel guilty when i know she's free and i'm not there for her..
sunday was a post birthday dinner for my mom..
met my fellow batchmates at the hotel..
some of my team mates.. the one on my left.. i think she looks like one of the hkg actress.. chai shao fen.. haha..
my super friendly mentor..
btw.. their toilet is really cute.. when u sit on it.. there'll be this censor that will create water sound.. and the purpose is to cover wadever sound that u might produce doing ur business.. haha.. cute..
gonna meet ailing and fu at tamako.. will blog again soon.. tata.
that's my buddy.. who'll be with me for the next 3 flights.. there really a lot more to learn from the crew and i'm bracing myself for tougher experience.. may i be blessed with the will and determination to strive on.. and do my best for all flights..
i'm very touched and thankful to the taiwan gang for making the effort to come to the airport to send me off for my first flight.. esp ailing.. who came to my house.. help me with my luggage.. follow me through the nervous times as i get ready for the flight.. thanks babe.. love u loads.
i'm still a little bothered by that matter.. esp after the chilling session with ailing just now.. talking about the sudden get together of the different htm ppl.. and then talking about her BGR and mine as well.. oh well..
it gets kinda disheartening at times u know..
and then on sat.. finally met up with my brother!! and before that ailing and i went to get him a cap..
yap.. that's the cap we bought for him..
well, during these boring times.. i obviously wasn't concentrating as well.. friday was like kinda a 'butterfly stomach' day.. from the time i was up.. till the time i heard the news.. till the time i got ailing's msg.. till the time sch ends.. till the free time before meeting the cx gang.. i think even till now.. i'm kinda like half-hearted in the things i do.. not that i dun like the things i do, but more of i dun have the concentration to do so..
forget it.. it's just a prank from god above..