080808: significant day for the 08 ppl... so we went to visit clifton again... and this time, with incense and paper aeroplane for him... kinda weird to see a bunch of youngsters handling such stuff.. but it still turned out alright... hee..
took bus no. 88 from ang mo kio to pasir ris for our picnic there.. happening right...
i thought this pic is quite cool.. hee..
bus 88 with 08 gals on 080808... how cool can that get..
jav can never get away without a gay pose... haha..
really getting all comfy there...
how could i miss the chance to relax myself as well?? haa...
met up with my IG seniors for dinner... and had some good advice from the gals... nelson look like a passerby... trying to get into the pic...
and then he really went to act like one...
i'm going on a holiday with xiu in oct!!
went over to brisbane to visit mich and karin... was really excited to see them... esp karin.. haven seen her since the beginning of the month... touched down in the morning.. slept for about 1.5 hrs then met mich first... walked around a bit before karin joined us.. and then lunch at this korean restaurant... saw this rainbow thing on the floor... nice..
had our fav green tea frap!!! haha... and according to mimi... only the asians will order green tea frap.. and while waiting for our drink.. the bar was just distributing green tea frap and no other drinks.. cos all the asian students were the patrons... haha..
focus on mimi's sunglasses pls...
we took the citycat to UQ.. means.. took a ferry over.. damn cool...
karin love the water effect of the pic...
not even on the ferry and karin's hair messy le...
does this picture reminds u a little of jack and rose on titanic?? haa...
wind was so strong, i cant open my eyes and got to hide behind karin...
beautiful colours behind me.... lovely..
focus on mimi's sunglasses... AGAIN..
they have a smiley face stombstone in their campus!!
look at mimi's table.. so messy... tsk tsk.. haha... and she put pictures of my fat face of the past at her table!!! OMG~~!!!
that's karin and her beau... sweet..
this pic quite cool.. like eskimo.. at least for me.. haa..
another on-the-bed pic we took... first one ever was taken in conrad...
how could i not take a pic with eeyore too.. hee..
ian's car... had dinner at dinner's place with many other htm ppl and ian (HM senior) and also his housemate... and this is his antique car which i thought is damn cool...
mimi is gonna change her name to roxy..
althea!!! miss her so.. cant remember how i met her... but i remembered we were quite close, giving each other advice (for wad i forgot.. hee)...
ian and mimi busy.. while the couple just watched... bad ppl. haha..
my yr3 group mate... yin san!!
mr ian and i... cheesy look on him.. haa..
the other side of the table...
the ice cream craze is starting...
and them with their super big ice cream...
singing in progress... it was a really nice feeling.. having someone playing the guitar.. and the rest singing, harmonizing... totally awesome...
3rd bed pic... in hilton hotel brisbane..
and they call their top the doraemon top... cos of the pockets... haha...
finally manage to k.. after my exams yesterday... the chia sisters already booked me.. without me knowing.. but of course.. there'll always be time for k.. haa...
and yet.. another threesome....
end of the updates for now... and of course... more in the near future... =)