it's been quite some time since i've blogged... and have been busy since.. so this post is gonna be all the updates that i've missed from sept till now.. hee..
let's start from the most recent...
14/11: attended my sec sch friend, sylvia's birthday party.. though i was the only one attending from sec sch class, i promised to go if i'm in singapore.. so i went! hee.. but only to drop by with her present and to take a picture with ball, her nickname then..

the 'ball' who looked the same as she was in the past..
then next stop was to river valley for pamela's birthday party...



and a sweet birthday kiss from kenneth.. look at her happy face.. so 幸福...

and the pair who are inseparable!!
and on 12/11: k lunch at e hub..

ailing was so happy when the food came... she was bouncing up and down...

pretty drey with her new hairdo... i like...

erm... dun ask me wad's going on..

zifu acting emo.. or is he really emo?

and my lover!!

haha.. i actually manage to get them to pose for this pic...

tw gang.. woohoo.. the last time we went for k lunch was.. 010108...

gal power!!

two of the few good men around on earth..

the nice and elaborated christmas decor in downtown east...

and ailing was engrossed with the 430pm show on tv... haa..
07/11: flew to melbourne and met up with bel.. haven seen her for quite some time...

the hotel room... nice... i like the lounge area near the window..

restaurant on a tram??

raining + strong wind = messy hair that needs the hood for protection.. heee....

one of those random pics.. hee..

dinner with cleo and jude.. then chill out cum gossip time spent in my room...
and 04/11: advance birthday celebration for the 3 nov babies..

Mr. Lim hao with his birthday gift.. so elated his leg went onto the table...
and it's actually a multi-purpose shoe!!

fu with his new iPod...

and jav with his royal sporting house voucher to get the lacoste shoe that he was aiming...

zi char with chilli crab!!! linda's fav.. hee..


empty shell also got garnish...

the missing chicken head on hao's shirt... came out 3D... hee..

birthday boys!!
and how can we forget the 十连拍... haha...

super gay...

showing off new ipod...

then everyone start showing off...
28/10: back to training...

8 pretty gals of 912..
22/10: nanjing trip... attended a chinese chinese wedding... =)

beautiful bride...

the wedding's table setting..

the entrance macham like some rock star going up on stage to get his grammy award.. hee..

aww... so sweet...

there's a name list for each table...

thank you speech...

doll gifts...

look at the spread... all dishes up at one go... unlike the course by course wedding dinner in singapore...
and this is called 大交杯酒... 'big' nuptial cups...
the next day went to sightsee...

this man looked like he got super strong pee power.. with help from a hidden hose to water the plants.. hee...

a shu nu picture... hahaha...

super strong sun shining on my face... and the beautiful winding road..

oops... which way shall i go??

this is wad i get when i reach the main attraction... under renovation...

this horse is damn hard to climb la!!

that's a camel by the way...

cute cute baby!!!!

haha.. caught that guy bio-ing me...

took this up the mountain... about 30 mins ride... and SUPER COLD!!!

and look at the crowd on the mountain top... omg.. no wonder they say china's over populated.. even the mountains are crowded with people...

and so free.. they climb up the mountain to gamble...
17/10: dinner with my TP friends...

this place sells authentic hainanese chicken rice.. and steamboat... yummy..

looks like a reunion dinner right?? i like this kinda feeling...

super old sch telephone and abacus...

there's always space for dessert....
12/10: sent tat off to australia for training.. and celebrated belated birthday for my sis..

couple wear... yucks...

happy birthday!!

i like the smiles on the youngsters' faces... got to train my parents to smile more...

make a wish...
10/10: shanghai with my batchgal..
29/09: k with tp friends...

super huge birks!!
22/09: bali...

their massage is super gentle... unlike the chinese... but i think i like the rough massage better...

hotel view at night...
and in the day...
many small meet ups with my poly friends.. and honestly, these are the few that i know i can depend on in times of needs... as for those superficial ones.. i've really got nothing to say...
many thanks to my close friends, namely ailing, audrey, fu, jav and shernelle.. for listening to me share my stories... and for being there when i need that emotional support.. thanks for not ostracizing me.. and giving me the moral support... thanks friends...
and to my dear.. thanks for being there for me all the time.. understanding and accomodating.. thank you dear..