hi guys!! i'm back from taiwan!! not that i'm happy about the fact.. but.. oh well.. let me update u on the daily happenings in taiwan!!
5th march - monday
our flight was in the afternoon.. and it's nice to see ailing's parents and her friend sending her off.. as for me.. i took cab to the airport on my own.. and ya.. had lunch at mac.. and it's boarding time!!

ailing was kinda fascinated by the free call that can be made in the transit area.. haha..
our plan was suppose to be taking the overnight railway train to kaohsiung.. but then the train at that timing only operates on friday and weekends.. so plan changed.. we end up taking bus to taizhong, and then changing another bus to kaohsiung.. haha.. the funny thing was, we were dragging our luggage around, and it looked as though we were running away from home in the middle of the night!! haha.. when we reach taizhong, we had to get off the bus.. and when i got off, it was like... COLD. ailing's teeth were like chattering, and she kept on laughing about it.. haha.. at that time the temperature was about 11 to 13 degrees..
6th march - tuesday
by the time we reach kaohsiung was about 6 plus in the morning.. we got off the bus.. the bus left, everyone else left.. but we were still standing there without moving.. cos.. it was super cold!! plus the cold wind was so strong, it was like cutting my face.. suppose to take another bus down to kenting, but this cab driver called us and offer to bring us to kenting at a low rate.. so we got on.. and checked into the hotel he recommended.. and finally found ourself a nice place to rest..
it's really a comfy place.. so comfy we slept in from about 9am to 1pm.. then we went out for lunch.. and got approached by these 2 guys from kenting who offered to show us around..

they drove us up the hill to view the scenery where we can see the most southern part of taiwan, and we also saw some black sheeps!! haha..

looking at the state of our hair brings me back to that moment where we have to hold on to each other to prevent each other from 'flying' away.. haha.. and when i got into the car, the wind literally closed the door for me!! haha.. and there was this attraction that called feng chui sha meaning wind blow sand.. and you really can literally see the wind blowing the sand till it covers part of the road...
7th march - wednesday
this day was spent mostly on travelling.. we left kenting at about 11am.. took a bus to kaohsiung, and then took another bus to taizhong from there..

temperature is still as chilly and windy.. by the time we reached taizhong, it was about 5 plus in the evening.. cold as it can be, we dragged our luggage from the train station to the hotel area.. trying our luck for walk in.. went to a few, and decided on a cheap one.. only after going to our room did we realise it was a wrong decision.. the door knob was loose... toilet was errie.. lights were dim, water dispenser was weird.. pillow was small.. the only good thing was the tv that was around to keep us company..
after putting down our luggage, we went to the night market around the area to grab some food.. that was the first night market that we visited and you can really experience the kinda atmosphere there.. it was not very crowded.. still got space to move around.. but there were motorbikes going through the crowd.. and everyone just seem to be doing what they are doing without looking out for these vehicles.. haha..
went back to the hotel room, and immediately we went straight for the bed. we didn't dare to enter the bathroom, or even walk on the carpet.. so all movement was a lot of stretching from the bed to the dressing table, and ailing didn't even open her luggage la!! and ya... we din bath for the night.. haha..
8th march - thursday
we checked out of that uloo hotel early in the morning at 7 plus.. and went opp the road to check in in another hotel.. this one is so much better... although the lights were also dim, but the people there and the place is more acceptable than the one we stayed the previous night.. we left our luggage there, wash up abit.. and then left for sun moon lake..
the wind was really strong.. and so.. we wore mask!!

yeah.. and it was another bus ride to sun moon lake.. along the way, the bus stopped at jiu zu wen hua cun, another attraction... so we just went down the bus and took pics at the entrance, and made it seemed as though we went to this place as well!! haha..

the lake is damn big.. and we have no guide.. so we just walked along the lake.. and see the scenery.. and then it was lunch time!! haha.. for about 9 sin dollars, we got meat, soup, veg and fish!! haha.. love the veg.. then it was tai tai life at starbucks.. and the menu was in chinese.. haha..

dinner was back at taizhong.. at a teppanyaki place.. it's really different from singapore.. dunno how to describe the taste.. but it taste better..

and then we went back to the hotel to rest.. and realise that the hotel actually has internet!! haha.. and their business center is in the cafeteria that was closed.. and only got one com.. hah.. and the keyboard got chinese strokes!!
9th march - fridaywoke up early.. and made our way to the train station.. bought our tkt, had breakfast at mos burger, and we were on our way to taipei!! the train come and go real fast!! the train came, and we were at the 8th cabin, and ours was the 10th cabin.. we saw ppl running towards our cabin.. so we followed, and yes.. dragging our luggage.. haha.. when we reach the entrance to the cabin, the train was already giving out the 'i'm leaving' sound.. so i ask ailing to hurry up stop for a pic.. and the rush up the train.. haha..

the legroom for the seat was quite spacious.. but not spacious enough for my luggage.. so it looked quite ugly, with my legs open, and my luggage in front of me..

and then it's sleeping time all the way to taipei.. comfy seats.. haha..

and then... we reach taipei main train station!!! yeah!! the funny thing is carrying our luggage up the stairs as there was no escalator.. haha.. plus the rain was pouring.. and the original plan was to walk to our hotel, in the end we took a cab there.. haha.. settled down, met the 3 guys.. and then off we went to jiu fen.. took a train to the nearby station, took a cab up the hill.. and the taxi driver was like drifting up the mountain!!
and shao make his debut.. and that's to ask one of the taiwan gals to take a pic with him.. haha..

haha.. that place was cold and misty.. but we still had fun taking pic!!
after that we went to wu fen pu fashion district. and there's really a lot of clothes shop.. a lot.. but i only bought 2 tops.. haha..

by then it was about 9 plus.. we then went to ximending for dinner and pasta bar!! haha.. first meal together..

after dinner.. we went back to the hotel to put down the stuff that we bought.. and wanted to go k overnight after that.. but we went to check out the price.. and it was quite steep.. so we decided to just roam around ximending and we did stupid things..

haha.. then as we walked back to our hotel we went into 7 eleven.. and shao began acting the scene at wu fen pu.. and ask to take a pic with me.. haha..

by the time we went back to the hotel and sleep... it was about 4 plus..
10th march - saturday
woke up super early.. and went to danshui and the fishermen wharf aka yu ren ma tou.. the weather was good.. cool and windy..

we played games...

and they were trying to aim at the PS2..

then we took a boat to fishermen wharf..

zifu was attempting to lift the bridge there..

hao went to feed the birds...

and we saw tank going out to the sea with his fans..

so suck la.. i called him to look at my direction.. then he saw but shy away.. haha..

after that it's time for shilin!! hhaha.. from the mrt station, we jayed across the road... and took a pic in the middle of the road!!

then we went to eat tang bao.. o ah jian.. chua bing.. and leng mian..

and i offered to help this two jap gals take pic.. and end up taking pic with them as well!!

the pic above was taken by a taiwan guy who was mending a photo shop.. and i made my debut by asking him to take pic with me!! haha..

another shot for the front cover.. haha..
and then there's the 'couple' pics..

and after all the fun... zifu and i even danced to the live music and was mentioned by the singer!! haha... then.. we wanted to go back already.. but i saw this promo 3D thing.. so i started this commotion that got all passerby to look at us...
haha.. can u guessed wad we did.. we were imitating the black shadows on the promo thing.. haha..

and then.. it's dinner time!!
pic above was taken in the lift.. and we still mantain the position when we the lift door opens.. haha..
it's another late night out...
11th march - sunday
although we slept late, we woke up early to go beitou.. and of course.. u see our stoned face on the way there..

the three guys went back on this evening.. but before that.. we went to beitou's hot spring.. haha.. it was cold and windy.. and the one that we went was a public one.. guys and gals together.. ailing's aunt came, so only i went into the water. when we enter the place.. everyone inside was uncle and aunties... haha.. and i wore my bikini.. in the cold.. hha.. so it was a bit.. erm.. haha...
we went to soak in the hot spring for 15 mins.. it was really hot.. but if u stay in there without moving u'll not feel too much of the heat.. after then, we moved to the next level of heat.. also another 15 mins.. then.. we went into the cold spring which was REALLY COLD..
hao went in first.. and was expressionless.. and we all got fooled by his expression.. zifu, shao and i went in.. all 3 of us screamed!! haha.. and everyone, according to ailing who was sitting at a corner, was looking at us.. haha.. it was SUPER COLD!! it's practically ice water without the ice floating.. and shao was shivering till teeth chattering.. and it's damn funny.. and that was only half body submerged.. we played scissors paper stone.. and loser will have to go fully submerged.. zifu lost.. but then in the end all 3 went in together.. and again.. we screamed. haha.. then while inside, we made a pac: whoever comes out of the water first have to pay for cab fare back to ximending. haha.. so no one wanted to come out.. then shao said: why dun we share cab.. haha.. he cannot tahan the cold le.. after then we went into the hot spring again.. then went to rinse water.. COLD WATER.. haha..
by the time we came out, we got ah ma hands..

and then when we were out of the place.. jay chou possessed shao..

then it's lunch at ximending...

and then we saw these ppl doing publicity for their new shop.. and then..
and we noticed this high tech thing in the taxi...
and then, the guys have to leave.. so it was one last pic with them...
after they left, ailing and i went to catch up on our sleep.. wanted to wake up at 5.. but ailing just wun budge when i call her.. so i called her again at 7... still.. and then 12.. and then 3 plus.. and then we slept till next morning 8am.. haha..
12th march - monday
we went to the amusement park called liu fu chun.. played on rollercoasters.. and water games..
we went to sit this..
and u can see the difference... before the splash.. and after..

and i saw this pony.. that looks fake.. but it's real..

after the amusement park, we went to zhong zheng memorial hall..

after visiting the memoria hall, we went to shi da night market.. and that's the place that's near my brother's place of study when he was in taiwan and there, we bought a lot of things.. as in, the most so far through our trip.. ailing bought 5 tops, and 2 necklace.. i bought 2 tops, and 3 guy's shirt.. and a bracelet and a necklace.. haha.. the place there is more of our style.. and things are cheap as well.. after that it's back to hotel..
13th march - tuesday
this day, we went to the expensive place of taipei. 101 building, new york new york, warner village, xin guang san yue.. and the xin guang san yue is bloody big la!! they have 11 buildings, and one building alone is about the size of parkway parade.. and watching a movie there is about double the price as compared to singapore.. ex.. haha..

and although zifu went back already.. his spirit is still with us whereever we go.. haha..

after wanted to go up the 101 building.. but it was still hazy.. so we just walked around.. and after that we went back to the hotel.. on the way we saw bak ku teh.. so we bought.. and some roadside stall's food.. and bought it as dinner in our hotel.. delicious.. haha.. after dinner, it's time to roam around ximending again!! haha.. the place is really quite big and complicated.. road after road.. never ending shops.. haha..
15th march - thursday
this day is caonsidered the 2nd last day of the trip... it's our last chance to go up the 101 building.. so we just went up although the weather was still a little hazy.. we took the lift up to the viewing level.. in 37 secs...

and when we came down.. it took us 45 secs.. haha..

after 101.. we went to another part of shilin... but having had our lunch late and having little money left, we didn't spend much there..
after that it's more walking around ximending.. and then back to hotel to pack our bags.. sad to leave the place..
16th march - friday
couldn't sleep the last night.. and gotta wake up at 5plus in the morning... i came with one luggage, and went back with extra two.. haha.. before i left, i attempted to finish the milo pack that the guys left for us.. haha.. in the end still got 3 pack left..

by the time we reached airport, there was already a crowd at the airport.. and because of the full flight load, we didn't get to sit together on the flight back..

yap.. that's about all that's happened during the 12 days graduation trip.. fun is all i can say, and i really love travelling!! haha.. i took a really long time to enter this post.. haha..
cheers to taiwan!!
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