2nd time to frankfurt.. nothing much.. except that i flew with the no. 1 of top ten.. but i was not aimed on this flt.. lucky.. didn't do much actually.. just lunch with my crew.. then went to town to get my mom's gucci stuff.. sure pains me to see the money signed off for a bag and a wallet.. 2nd day was just breakfast at hotel.. back to room to watch dvd.. then dinner at hotel.. boring life huh.. that's me. boring jovi.
just heard from my friend that her dad passed away in beijing.. i can't help but cry for her family.. i've met her dad.. worked with him.. served him.. a really nice guy.. i'm really sorry about wad happened.. makes me think about my grandma.. wish i could be there for u man..
i dunno wad's happening, but i just feel that i've been forgotten.. ppls busy with bf, with gf, with mahjong, with work, with family, with everything.. i've been busy before so i understand as well. but now, i can't even find someone i feel comfortable with to talk to..
i didn't realise dad sent us an email, until my sis mentioned bout it.. words of encouragement, motivational slideshows.. gosh. that's coming from the traditional, inexpressive, chinese father.. i'm really touched.. even before i opened the mail, tears were rolling down my cheeks.. just like now..
he's coming back tmr afternoon.. shawn's leaving tmr night.. i'll most probably be called up for flt on sunday, sis's coming back on monday, and shawn and i coming back on thursday.. so when will we be able to have a full attendance meal without having anyone rushing off to somewhere else?
guess i'll be crying myself to sleep tonight again..
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