back from my long flight, and it is the only flight that i enjoyed the most so far..
hang out with amelia.. really nice gal and we really click well with each other.. touched down in hkg, and then went out with her... thought it was a short stay, we walked everywhere. haha.. and not forgetting, our fav, 许留山!!

haha.. next stop: san francisco!! others were excited over the shopping there.. but for me, i was more excited to meet my cousin and her family!!
her whole family was so nice to come down from cupertino to my hotel to pick me up, and i spent 2 nights at their house.. the place was so cold!! i was worried that my niece and nephew will not be open to me and talk to me cos i haven't had much interaction with them for years.. and true enough, they didn't remember me but was still able to talk to me and share with me their sch life and other things.. love them all..

look at the big big big big sushi boat.. woah..

priscilla's poem got published.. so proud of her...

"good morning jovi aiyee! are you awake?" this is the note i got beside my bed when i woke up.. and it brought a smile to my face and brighten up my day.. so sweet of them..

that's my superman!! and it cost USD 5000... haha..

the cheesecake from here, FANTASTIC!!

playing with the cheap thrill.. haha..

and she's attempting to draw a smiling face out of the air she breathes out.. haha..

and donovan looks interested in joining the fun!!

that's my cousin!! and we have a cheesecake to celebrate her birthday..

that their house.. cosy place..

the room they prepared for me.. simple but nice.. love it..

my niece and nephew's room..

fisherman's wharf at san francisco!!

behind me is the island that people say.. there's a myth, no one can swim to it or away from it.. think that's a prison island if i'm not wrong..

during winter time, the sea lions will swim from north or south pole to seek shelter here..

toilets.. haha.. thought it was quite cool..

the crookedest road..

golden gate bridge!!
my cousin's husband was so nice to take time off and bring me around san francisco and see the attractions there.. too bad that day was the first day of sch for the kids and couldn't join me.. but in anyway, i really enjoyed my time there with them..
called my cousin when i reach hotel, and she told me that priscilla and donovan was sad when they heard i left when they came home from school.. hearing that, i was tearing in my room as well..
all good things come to an end right.. but at least there's hkg for me to look forward to.. but before that, it was a hell flight back.. long and draggy.. and with the kind of ppl on the flight.. i seriously dunno how i pulled through..
but then, when i'm back in hkg.. i got another pleasant surprise!! i got an adjacent room with amelia, besides that, we have a connecting door in our room!! we got the hotel staff to open it, and it's like we are bunking with each other and staying with each other.. though we just knew each other like a few days ago, the only person i could depend on was her.. and we really enjoyed ourselves, in the room watching tv together, and going everywhere together..

my fav donut.. krispy kreme!!!

random pics taken at central..

i thought this pic is damn funny cos we din discuss wad face to portray when taking this pic, and it made our face looked really really distorted and funny.. haha..

it's 许留山 again!!

this is wad the fortune teller drew on my hands to indicate wad is wad and wad is wad.. haha.. and guess wad, it's kinda detailed, i'm disturbed by one fact: (it's a secret.. ) haha..

at lan gui fang..

drinking lan gui fang's beer...

the next day we went to prince edward to have dim sum.. nice!!

if u realise.. we like to take this kinda pics.. haha..

and then i saw this hkg actress!! can't remember her name but she's really nice and speaks good english..

look at the amount of shopping we did!!

it's kinda funny.. cos we can't put the things down without help from each other..
went to causeway bay for dinner and did some stupid things in the atrium area.. will upload that soon.. well.. that kinda conclude the trip.. can't wait for another pattern like this..
came back.. and went to cut hair with ailing..

okie.. i din cut my hair. i trimmed it.. haha..
sat i kinda wasted the day.. dun talk about it.. but at night went k with the 903 gang.. this time.. everyone was very co-operative.. haha.. the one who said quit singing picked up the mic again.. and one sang more than 10 songs.. and one sang songs.. haha..

one of our first few attempt to take the pics..

a candid one.. with someone smiling so nicely.. but not when we are posing for one..

after taking this pic and with someone complaining about his big white face..

everyone started laughing non stop...

even when he's holding the camera and getting ready to snap.. i was unable to pose for it.. haha.. because we were talking about his no smile face.. or fake smile face..

spot the diff... btw the top and the bottom pic...

one major diff.. the smile on the guy.. or rather.. the fake smile.. hha..

the 3 of us are still the best!! haha.. look at the bright smile..
in less than 12 hours.. i was at another place having k lunch with karin and xiu.. haha.. felt feverish that morning but then.. very hard to get these ppl free to meet up together..

jay!! haha.. getting all excited for next week's concert!!

wah!! haha..


all these ads are making me all hyped up!! wee...

steamboat dinner at tian tian.. and we are all having issues with xiu and her problem with hearing and speaking proper...

finally manage to ask mich out after so long..

and then dessert at gelare..
and today.. is the last of my off day.. xian..
this year started off quite well i must say.. so far nothing that has made me wanna give up or something along that line..
dad might be leaving town this month.. again..
oh.. and more pics from lunch at top table on the 3rd..

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