back from nanjing.. with a couple of surprises from my friends.. and crew.. and i really appreciate all that everyone has done for me.. thanks to all!!
met up with my CX clan for k and dinner last friday.. went all the way to clementi to sing k cos our dinner place is near the west.. haha.. my k area expand to the west le.. haven seen shiling and samantha for so long.. but we got warmed up v soon... with songs and pic taking..

we attempted a smack-in-the-face shot.. hha.. and samantha looks funny in this pic...

and then we decided i look better from the right.. and she from the left so we swap places..

and then we went to linda's brother's restaurant for dinner.. the place is a little inaccessible.. but the food is really gd.. i should bring u all here some day..
SPICE: 119 bukit merah lane 1 #01-40we ordered a couple of dishes.. and in total we had 4 crab dishes!!

linda was nice enough to crack the shell of the crab for me to eat.. so sweet...
look at that... crab porridge.. yummy..
beloved linda on my right and angeline on my left..
the remains of the food..
see? samantha finished all her food!! good gal...
and there was the surprise cake for the may babies.. so this is my cake no. 2... haha..

yeah... CX clan unite!!

despite k-ing in the afternoon at k box.. liyan, angeline and i still went k again.. at party world this time.. haha.. and the guy there actually remembered me going the previous week!! so paiseh..
met up with the tp gang for dinner at astons.. and so irritated with those guys who are never on time.. and so.. a pic without them.. hmph!

that's javin and his ever super big meal...

and finally.. a group pic taken!!
went to coffee club in siglap for dessert.. but had to leave early cos of early flt the next morning to nanjing..
and so, nanjing... great company during the trip for sightseeing... and some great crew.. and a lot of great memories..
went for 2 hours massage on touch down day.. shiok!!
and on the 2nd day.. went sightseeing with tina the chief, kelvin the first officer and nicholas the station manager cum kelvin's friend..
first stop was the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen's Mausoleun Scenic Spot... u'll see some pics that look v pro.. not all are taken using my camera.. some or most are taken with the super big and pro canon camera of nicholas... haha...

this pic made my legs look super long.. haha..
kelvin said to race up the steps.. and the last person have to settle lunch.. haha..

that's nicholas.. pointing at the super-slow jovi.. the steps are no joke okie.. and considering my every-3-beat-skip-1-beat heart.. hehe.. not bad le lah..

the first to reach the top.. that's a poser for u.. hehe...

FINALLY!! look how far and high i've climb.. i was almost the last.. but kelvin was standing at the 2nd last step taking pics.. so.. i quickly overtook him and he was the last!! ah ha... hehe..

this was the starting point of the climb.. and the cool thing about the design is that.. when u look up from here.. u can only see the steps and not the flat ground.. so it makes the end look nearer..

and likewise when u look down from the top, u will not be able to see the steps.. just the flat ground, so the building in front does not look so far and ppl will not feel so scared to climb down the super a lot of steps..

that's a huge turtle.. and i'm like.. the shit?? haha..

this is funny.. haha.. cos there's another scenic spot that needs admission fee.. and this turtle thing is free.. so to make more money from tourist, they put the notice here to direct tourist to the spot that need admission fee.. smart..

we went to a restaurant.. and we saw this on one of the doors.. wad does it mean?? hmm.. the chinese means staff only.. but the english.. someone explain it pls.. haha..

we had a VIP room to ourselves for lunch!!

one of the few smack-in-the-face pics i've taken.. haha.. we had funny dishes like roasted pigeon.. frog's legs in chilli oil.. some egg dish that has shrimp paste that tasted like powdery hei bi hiam... weird dishes..
next stop.. nanyang historical museum of ming dynasty city wall..

the cool thing about this wall.. every brick is personalised with the worker's name and address i think.. it is to prevent the workers from slacking and doing a lousy job in building the wall.. if some parts of the wall were to collapse or show signs of instability, the worker will kana executed.. that was all in the past la..

kelvin made me do a spastic pose for this spastic pic...

this is the linkway to this temple called 古鸡鸣寺.. gu ji ming si.. i think the gu ji part is funny.. cos in direct translation it means ancient chicken.. haha.. and is a temple with nuns only..

i think this pic's quite cute..

another poser pic...

and we moved on to the next stop... is lake that i cannot remember the name.. haha.. we took a boat.. and somehow nicholas became the captain of the boat..

POSER!! haha.. but this pic is quite funny..

and this pic is like a photo shoot pic.. using the super pro camera of course..

i think tina's one turned out very well..

best buddies...

outside the wall of the lake.. taking a shot as if we were some spokesperson of some drink.. kelvin la.. spoil it with his green bottle.. haha..

this pic is damn cool!! looked as though i put 2 diff pic together... the end of the bridge leads to beijing i think. and the water is a 江, river.. so that side is called 江北, and the side i'm on is 江南!! the chinese should know why i so excited over it la.. haha.. something to do with JJ Lin's song.. hehe..

kelvin tried to take a pic of nic.. and look wad he got.. haha..

can tell the wind v strong hor.. haha

this one is funny.. really.. we asked tina to turn around.. but she was busy taking pics.. so.. there u go...

i love group photos!!

one of the few pics with a proper look in nic's face.. haha..

one.. two.. and that's wad i got..

got 'scolding' from me and finally.. another proper pic..

u see wad i mean... poser pic..

this shifu displaying his skill.. painting a crystal ball from the inside...

cool.. u see how pro the camera is..

bought a jade pillow for my dad... and i like it too!!
next stop is some walking street...

kelvin said: "jovi!! turn around.." and i did.. all prepared for a shot.. haha..

had beijing duck for dinner.. a meal that has got more familiar and normal dishes as compared to lunch..
back to hotel.. and called for massage again.. haha.. spent the whole day walking mah.. so leg pain lo.. so leg massage lo.. dun worry la.. massage in china is shiok and cheaper..
3rd day.. went to yangzhou.. first stop is for brunch.. after a 2-hr bus ride.. all hungry..

it was a set meal thing.. and there were some leftovers.. so as not to waste it.. we played 终极密码.. and i was the big 'winner'...

haven even finish one item i kana another.. see the look on my face??

and the evidence..

the guys playing with the self-defence tools.. funny..

and this self-taken shot is taken using the super big and pro camera!! haha.. not bad..

see all the knives and death weapons... dangerous...

took a trishaw to another garden and lake.. and this is a act cute pic.. really acting cute...

all set!!

kelvin stuck his head out.. with the bulky camera to take a pic of us and the trishaw.. and nic was posing for it.. haha...

reached 瘦西湖.. in english.. slender west lake.. dun ask me how the name came about.. nic was holding a bottle of water.. and he din know where to put the water.. so he got the bottle involved in the pic.. haha... so random...

yeah.. another group pic..

haha.. cool right!!

the authentic chinese red bridge...

from this view.. u should be able to see two views.. one pagoda on my right though that arch thing.. and another pavillion on the left.. and this place is suppose to be the place where the emperor did his fishing in the past..

and we took another boat on this lake.. cos it was drizzling and we wanted to avoid the rain? haha.. one of the few pics that caught me in action and i was not posing for it.. haha.. candid candid..

had a lot of laughs on this boat ride... water from the shelter flowing down on tina's side and seeing her making a lot of comments about it but not being able to do anything about it.. and the man with the super big umbrella... and i mean super big.. hah.. i laugh so hard i cried.. seriously..

cute? haha..
next stop: this garden called 个园... why? cos there are a lot of bamboo tree in this garden.. and the leaves on the trees formed the word 个.. interesting..
and in this garden, there are the scenes that shows the 4 seasons of the place... cool right.. i dun really know how to tell the diff cos they all look the same to me.. but ya.. just sharing wad was told to me by the tour guide..

this is spring.. where the bamboo sprout out..

this is summer... having some stones looking like turtles and frogs.. trying to portray a scene of summer.. erm.. ya.. something like that..

i like this pic.. in a cave.. and the sun shone in from an opening.. and it looked like a scene from mr bean show.. haha..

this is autumn cos the stones are a bit orangy.. ya..

that's the place where ppl will play chess in the olden days..

and this is winter.. the floor suppose to show the cracks in the snow.. and the stones behind me suppose to show the lions covered in snow in winter.. well.. it all depends on how well ur imaginary skills are.. haha..
visited the house of the owner of the garden.. and it's big.. and it's really an eye opener for me.. learning a bit more about the chinese history and the symbolic stuff they use to represent certain things.. interesting..
next stop.. haha.. massage again!! went for foot massage in yangzhou.. they are known for it.. so why not..

after that.. it was another 2 hr ride back to nanjing.. and we went out for dinner.. before that i went to the hotel toilet.. and when i came out.. nic was holding a cake.. wad a surprise...

and so.. he was holding the cake all the way to ajisen.. where we had our dinner..

see something wrong with the cake?? haha.. yeah!! i'm only 20!! nic told the gal 21.. but she gave 20.. oh well.. at least it wasn't 31 right? haha.. let me go back to when i'm 20.. makes me feel younger.. haha.. and this is the 3rd birthday cake i've got..

first time seeing something different on my birthday cake.. instead of happy birthday.. it was 生日快乐.. haha.. and first time celebrating my birthday overseas..

but with company like them.. i dun feel lonely on my birthday even though i'm away from sin..

haha.. super act!!

thanks guys.. for the cake.. for the company.. for the surprise..
went back to the hotel and i wanted to go for massage again.. but a change of plan.. and we decided to go karaoke!! haha.. and tina actually willing to join us!!
the next day.. had to come back to sin.. looking forward to get back to sin, but on the other hand, can bear to leave the place that has so much beautiful memories..
saw nic in formal.. smart le.. haha.. and he arranged for a cake to be caterred onboard for me.. and i'm really touched.. i only know about it when tina told me after landing.. the crew were all waiting for me at the aerobridge.. and when i came out, they sang me a birthday song and gave me the cake..
had dinner with my family after the flt.. and i told my mom i got a cake.. so she asked my sis to not buy another birthday cake.. and so.. that was my 4th birthday cake.. and out of 4.. 2 arranged/bought by nic.. really a surprise.. thanks dude..
had dinner at this canto restaurant in simei..

colourful huh??

pretty cake..

and see the candles?? they were from my sis..

nice looking cake.. but tasted a bit bland.. but.. somehow it does matter that much..

my forever 'boyfriend'.. beloved brother..

my sister and brother.. i dun say it out loud.. but i really love them so..


youngster of the world unite!!

that's my mom for u... a pity my dad not around to celebrate my 21st with me..

nvm.. let the other man of the house take he's place for the time being.. haha..
went hm.. and was suppose to meet ailing.. so went to pick her from TM.. she got on the car.. and suddenly tat was in front of the car.. stopping me.. and there were two 'attackers' who got onto my car from the back.. that was another surprise i got.. haha.

and so it was supper at xin wang hkg cafe at siglap.. and i got my 5th cake.. thanks guys.. thanks for planning the surprise.. and i seriously thought i'm out for just supper.. haha..

cute lil cake.. sweet..

in the past.. i used to have tw gang.. 903 gang.. but now.. i'm very glad they are all merged together.. and i'm v touched by the friendship i have now..

and esp this kinda long-lost friend.. from tkg to htm.. nv really talk till after grad.. we've come a long way, but i'm glad we did not lost each other along the way.
29th.. k-ed with linda and peng.. peng came late.. and there u go.. another surprise cake.. so.. that's cake no. 6? i guess not having anything planned for the big day means not having any expectations.. and means i really am surprised by all these things done for me..

and yesterday, last minute plans to meet drey and fiona for lunch at sushi tei.. and we snapped pics using my camera!!

setting no 1: we are in a restaurant..

setting no. 2: same pose, but we looked like we were clubbing.. haha..

perfect pic..
we decided to take pic of our eyes and the fake eyelash.. haha..

that's fiona's doll eye..

that's mine...

and with the hair.. obviously drey's...

in the mrt station.. and saw this baby that reminds me of kai.. the face.. and the hair he got in the past.. and the expression.. haha..

see the pic and u know.. yes.. i went k-ing again.. and this time at loyang point.. haha..

fiona was with us from 5 - 8pm.. then drey and i left while she continued with her 2 other gd friends.. k marathon for fiona!! kana influenced by me.. haha..
drey came to my house to help me snap some pics for linda.. and i shared with her the pics taken in nanjing.. and we had quite a bit of gal talk.. and we came out with a new term.. (BT)square.. =below the block talk.. haha.. thanks for being my confidant.. and my 军师.. haha..
going to meet the tp gang later.. will update again..