where shall i start from this time.. hmm.. from after i'm back from amsterdam??
yap.. met up with audrey fiona ailing in the afternoon.. before we made our way to 85 for dinner, with tat zifu and javin.. it's 85 and yet again, but it's definitely a place where we love to gather and enjoy the good food as well as the company...
we went to the place that's similar to settlers near 85.. new place, very refreshing.. was taken aback by something someone did.. but all airs cleared now.. thanks for clarifying.. even if u din, i'll probably believe u anyway...
on the 3rd, another one of our big scale family wedding.. my mom's 2nd brother's son.. mr donny!! 90 tables.. i think it's the biggest wedding that i've ever attending..
phoebe... my cute cute cute pretty niece... haha..
see the signing book.. so grand.. so nice..
drank quite a bit.. actually my family and relatives were really high, bottoms up red wine... and my dad got so drunk, he had to be helped to the car by 2 big guys.. and from the car, my brother and i helped him home.. having someone who can drink is really important in times like this.. cos i remembered the last time my dad got so drunk was when i was in primary sch.. we were visiting his boss's house during CNY and he got so drunk, my mom had to drink though she drank a bit, and we can only help support him from the back to prevent him from falling.. and my brother and i just felt so helpless...
but amazing thing is i did not have hangover the next day and was quite energetic to go to abu dhabi...
there's really nothing much to do there.. and the hot wind and air of close to 40 degrees wasn't helping at all.. so i just went to the shopping mall... walked to the restaurants near the hotel for makan and that's it.. it's in the room the whole day..
came back in sin after 6 days in that hot hot place.. but back to sin is worse cos it's humid here.. sticky sticky.. yucks.. haha.. dinner at sakae sushi.. then went to hao's place for drinking!!! haha first time alcohol came into this group of friends.. suppose to meet at 9.. in the end zifu and javin came at 12 plus.. and shao suppose to join us also, in the end say tired. so irritating. shall not talk about it.
hao and the gift he bought for his dad from taiwan.. haha.. cool..
the latest was the first one to knock out..
the 3 of us still manage to stay up till 4 plus.. and javin said mac breakfast.. so we woke up at 7 for mac breakfast.. haha.. all for him lo. stupid.
went straight for meeting at conrad.. then it's tian and ting's wedding at rasa sentosa!!
ting walking in with her dad..
everyone was busy with taking pics with the couple... and the 3 of us do not belong to any group.. so we took our own pics.. hhaa..
finally, the 3 of us got a chance to take pics with her.. haha..
11th may: mahjong at linda's place with jingmin and zifu.. go her house.. have to search for mahjoing.. so funny.. then no chips... hahaa... in the end we lost track of how much everyone win or lose, so the gals won a bah chor mee from fu.. yes.. we travelled from yishun to bedok 85 for dinner.. haha.... and we jio-ed ailing hao and javin to join us.. hehe.. fu and linda.. something going on between them on that day lo..
13th may: ailing accompanied me to tailor my uniform in orchard.. and then lunch at wheelock.. it has been quite some time since it's just the two of us.. and whenever it is, it's gal talk time. haha.. lots of sharing.. and gal, i'm really glad that we are more than superficial best friends.. as in.. u know, we are talking more about heart to heart stuff?? i believe u know wad i mean..
14th may: off to athens.. with my mom.. ya.. first time she flew so far and to such country.. and i'm telling u.. she's also a cam whore okie.. always asking me to take pics for her...
getting near..
didn't manage to reach the acropolis cos of the height.. but at least we made it to the Theatre of Dionysus Eleuthereus..
see that tree up there?? we climb till there and decided to come down..
taking a break.. with the super sweet strawberries!! i din know my mom loves them..
walked on further to get a pic with the arch of hadrian...
the next day, we went to another island called aegina.. took a ferry there.. so we went to the habour!!
the blue sea.. and the sea breeze... shiok..
she asked me to pose for this pic!! haha..
she thinks it's funny to see angmohs selling meat and fish in the market.. haha..
the colourful fruit stall!! and my mom bought 2 boxes of strawberries...
double confirm.. she has something for cars....
she see i take the fruit stall nice she also want to take.. with the keeper somemore..
in a supermarket also she wants to take..
and she's shocked to see the huge cheese...
haha.. ice cream!! with the strawberry that she bought...
saw my crew on the island and the centre guy is the first officer.. they rented a car to roam the island.. so fun.. but too bad.. i can't join them.. and my mom kept 'bio'ing the FO and say: this one can la.. tall and handsome.. haha.. that's my mom for u..
and she forced me to do the same..
if i'm not wrong, that the ship that ferry me to islands when i was here in 2000... cos i remembered the ship shipping the whole vehicle to the islands..
the smallest church i've ever seen.. it's even smaller than my room..
okie okie.. this time it's me..
came back and took a train to the central area..
after all the shopping.. it's back to hotel for some rest.. my mom was craving for rice stuff.. but well, in countries like these.. where to find??
17th may: came back from athens and chiong ailing's bd present... and finally.. it's completed..
sent her off at the airport to korea.. and we realise that we love to take pics in the toilet.. and this time it's so obvious it's the toilet.. hha..
the chia sisters with an extra at the back...
she showed her family my present and they were all crowding around, looking at it.. haha.. so funny..
and there u go.. the almost full attendance taiwan gang!!
drey fiona and i went to orchard to k after sending ailing off.. till 3... haha.. and we manage to gal talk a lil in the car..
when i got back hm.. my mom spot me!! with the car!! the only thing is.. she thinks there's another person at the driver seat whom she insist is my boyfriend.. and she kept going: boyfriend send u home right? yellow car right?...
18th may: had bah kut teh for brunch with my family and them went blading at east coast park with hao drey and fiona.. got myself a bruise on my butt.. i think i dun need to explain that la hor... dinner at bedok 511 before i went to pick my aunt from the airport..
look at the no of bags they two of them got from a one week's trip to taiwan.. my aunt and cousin sure can shop a lot..
then it's mahjong at zifu's place with linda and kai after that.. till 6 plus in the morning.. tired!! haha.. i lost as usual..
finally got my beauty sleep from 9 to 3 pm.. before i leave for osaka at night..
that's one person's portion!! big..
i cannot miss the milk tea in japan!!

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