it was 31st may.. and the venue was P.S thai express.. and there were.. 12 ppl?? love my TP gang.. loads..

the cake came in this way.. so it looked like it was javin's day instead.. haha..
make a wish.. and i think it's coming true.. hehe..
my best friend understand me so well.. and got me a special lychee cake!! yummy...
thanks loads my dear friends!! and.. my present is still making-in-progress... i wonder wad linda and gang has up their sleeves.. hmm..
bits of the cake kana my finger.. so let's not waste it huh.. hehe..
the two guys gaying around.. again...
we went party world after the dinner.. and it has been a long time since i k-ed with such a big group of ppl.. and putting k-ing as my habit aside, i really enjoyed myself with these ppl...
i've always wanted to take a pic of kai and my phone together.. cos both touch screen, and the only diff is the camera.. haha.. i once was so stupid to want to take both hp using my hp.. but now with my camera.. haha.. i'm beginning to love my camera!!
one of my first classmates of HTM...
okie.. here comes the 十连拍..
and mind u.. these are just one of the few 十连拍 we took...
i'm proud of my 自拍skills!! hehe..
pics below is the front cover of the latest album of the boyband of our gang... haha..
the ladies rock...
and now.. the eventful trip to taipei and L.A... it's the crew that makes the diff and i really must agree to that.. touched down in taipei at about 9 plus at night.. and the supervisor said interested ppl can meet at 12.30am.. for karaoke.. haha.. how can i miss my fav hobby right? plus i'm in taiwan!!
30 cans of beer.. 7 hrs of singing... and ezer was the cleaner of the day.. haha..
faniel bragged about having two guys around her..
and so jeremy bragged about the 2 pretty ones next to him as well!! haha..
went back to the hotel in the morning about 8 plus.. and we met at about 1 plus in the afternoon to travel to taipei.. cos our hotel was in taoyuan.. yap... i took a pic at this v spot last yr when i was here with my taiwan gang.. with that v sign also..
suppose to be a gal pic.. but the 2 guys had to fit themselves in somehow..
away from ximending.. next stop.. shilin night market..
this lil coin works like our ez link card.. but i think it's so much nicer and convenient to carry around..
another one.. just simply love it..

'4 sticks for u?' haha.. alex.. forever..
the combo we bought at the movies earlier came with a fan.. and it came in handy!!
the two of them forcing me to take a pic with my face straight and smack upfront. yuck.
jiahui and i got thumbs that bend outward!! haha..
isn't this pic scandalous... haha.. linda with all the guys surrounding her..
and the extra me who joined in..
alex claimed he looked too small in the previous pic.. so here's another one..
'happy birthday to u.. happy birthday to u.. happy birthday to amanda.. happy birthday to u..' and that's her brother at the piano..
manda looked like she's conducting some sort of classes..
and everyone analyzing the pc of art..
i love this pic.. notice everyelse is grey except for manda's earrings??
javin can fit into the shirt i bought for him from hkg!! haha..
alex at the piano.. as though he knows how to play.. haha..
and javin here to kay poh.. haha..
we decided to go karaoke.. again!! yeah!! nv tired of this man.. this time we went to k box at cineleisure..
the first 2 to K.O...
j.r really knocked out.. so he was out of the pic.. haha..
k-ed till 6 in the morning.. and the rest of my off days? at hm.. with my dad..
only last night i decided to meet my lover cos i really need a hug.. since in taipei.. updated her.. and felt so much better after sharing..
*thanks for accompanying me for the night.. *
can't wait till next month.. y? cos i've a lot of friends coming back to sin!! yeah!
but talking about this.. brings me to another unecessary worry.. can't help it but.. well.. nothing i can do about it for now..
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