got back from shanghai.. and it's the most jinx flt ever..
oh well, let me share about my off days before that first..
met up with the TB048 ppl.. haha.. how i got into their clique, i really dun know.. had lunch with mich and ailing first.. first time i'm seeing mich after so long.. miss her loads..
the pinkie club.. haha.. it was just a coincidence..
chilling at tcc.. and spotted this mirror.. so cute!
my friend say this pic looks like i got a huge m&m in my mouth.. hehe..
and then it was k-ing time!! it's been a long time since we k-ed together.. the last time? before mich left for studies and van was not with us..
dinner at pepper lunch...
and halfway thru our meal, the whole building had a blackout. omg. it was shaw. and ailing took out her hp for the light.. and it was quite a comical scene... hee..
guess all of us were hungry after the k-ing session.. haha..
sitting outside far east, with our bubble tea.. acting cute..
guess who's behind the lamp post?
ok. this looks like the face u'll see if i cat 1. haha..
went over to mich's place.. and finally settled on mahjong!! haha... so it was gavin, me, mich and... ailing!! yeah.! her first time playing with money, and i must say, not too bad for a 1st timer..
but, the game was the slowest i've ever played.. normally i finish one round in 2 hrs.. but this game, 4hrs. and it's almost after every wind the clock will strike at the hour. haha..
rested a bit at mich's place before we had breakfast at bedok.. then went home.. rested a bit.. went out with javin and zifu for a movie... wanted.. super exaggerating moves, but a good plot i think. haha.. and no. the day wasn't over..
met drey and fiona later in the night for k session at loyang.. according to drey, fiona dated me. haha.. woah.. i was 'dated'. hee.
ok. now updates on the shanghai flt.. problems after problems..
guess it din start well with a lousy and super stress briefing... then during boarding my pax was unhappy cos 2 of their bags got offloaded by my chief, so it was problems for me during the flt. that's one.
then when we were at the baggage belt, the pax whose bags were offloaded were the last to leave the belt. apparently one of their bags in make it to shanghai. so he came over at question my chief. playing taichi, the ground staff had to handle the shit. that's two.
before all of us could step into the public area of the arrival hall, we were stopped by our pax's mom. saying we should be responsible for her child, who puked 4 times on our flt after eating and drinking our stuff. so duh. and she was really shouting all over, in the super quiet and empty new airport. leaving 3 crew behind to settle the problem, the rest of us were told to go to the transport and wait. ok. that's three..
then, when we were at the transport bay, the bus was not there.. instead, at the parking area. why? the bus cannot start. omg. we loaded our bags in, waited for him to solve the problem.. and then, he got 4 of his buddies to help.. all of them came in the super big bus, one behind another, got off, walked towards the faulty bus, and begin pushing it from behind to jumpstart the bus. haha.. that's four.
waited for quite some time and realise the crew got lost. can't find the bus. that's five.
on the way back, flt was delayed for 3 hours. cos the engine got fuel leak. omg. thankful, that was the last setback of the flt.
lucky the room was super nice and comfy.. and i had a good rest and massage there..
a glass that seperates the toilet and bedroom.. so that we can soak ourselves in the bathtub and still watch tv from inside.. cool isn't it?? i look like i'm a pic in a photo frame...
my lunch.. which was filling enough for me.. hah..
their prepaid card at the food republic there..
they sell durians in their carrefour!!

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