honestly, i think it's really shallow to put someone down just becos something in your life doesn't go your way. it may not be your fault entirely, but do a little bit of soul searching and see if u are at fault too. always thinking that u are always right, always putting the blame on someone else, and always thinking the whole world owes u a living? let me tell u, u are very wrong. if you can tell me straight in the face that u've done nothing to contribute to what has happened, with a clear conscious, then fine, you win. but before u do that, make sure u have thought through it thoroughly. cos if u don't, sad to say, you'll never be a happy person, ever.
all that's been said, it's for your own good. if u dun wanna lose ur close friends and those people who love you, as a friend, i think it's time u change for the better.
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