i'm just a gal, who wants love, from friends and family. if i may be a bit more greedy, from someone who can love me too.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
today's flight load is not very heavy.. but i was so busy at the counter.. that's because the person sitting next to me, the boarding pass printer was not working... so i had to keep printing the boarding pass for her.. according the the boarding no. that she tell me to print... without checking the details of course..
then after that got problem. cos she got this pax that came to her.. but didn't know that the pax already has a boarding pass. and she ask me to print the boarding pass again for her. then the police came to her lo... cos the pax holding two boarding pass, which is a breach of national security..
sigh.. security...
Monday, October 30, 2006
the excitement of seeing lau tak wah andy is still lingering in me.. haha.. kelly and i kept talking about yesterday, as well as kept on saying his name.. haha.. damn funny la..
today the police who took my statement was at cathay counter again.. i was so scared that it's me again, but it was the colleague sitting next to me. same kinda case lo... think the police very free.
then today after yesterday got questioned by police ah.. did quite a few mistake.. enter the wrong class for a recheck of flight.. sigh.. dip in confidence..
Sunday, October 29, 2006
i saw ANDY LAU!!!!!! OMG... he is still as charismatic as ever.. and he still look good for his age la.. and he is so humble.. i was at the check in counter.. but i think someone check in for him so he didn't come to the counter.. was a little disappointed.. then i realise that i am suppose to report for duty at the gate for that flight!!! haha.. i was so excited.. everyone was like "RELAX!!!" HAHA.. i secretly printed an extra boarding pass.. and kept it with me at the boarding gate..
he came in after joey yung and gillian chung of TWINS... both wore dark shades.. and super dao.. but ANDY was different.. many ppl were crowding around him.. and made way for him.. then he was like.. "so many ppl.. i'm so shy.." haha.. then i reach out for his boarding pass.. then i think he thought i want to shake his hand.. so he shook mine!!!!! haha.. excited man.. then the machine very co-operative.. took a long time to process the boarding pass.. so i made use of the opportunity.. and got him to sign on the extra boarding pass that i printed!!! haha.. he was so full of smile.. omg.. heart melt..
then left last 3 pax.. i was asked to go to the aircraft and check the seats.. i passed him.. and was stopped by him... " can i have a pillow pls.." omg.. heart melted for the 2nd time.. haha..
then the ramp staff had to speak to the captain.. so i purposely stand at the exit and admire him from far.. hehe..
btw, saw eason chan too.. short guy.. and looked so grouchy..
after all the excitement.. got unwanted attention and guest.. statement got taken by police.. pax name is farrimah bte mohd yusoff.. booking made as mohd yusoff farrimah ms. boarding pass states mohdyusoff/far. police says immigration dun accept cos mohdyusoff is father's name and the father can use the boarding pass. then my supervisor came and explain the airline's stand.. that normally we will accept the pax cos the initial is still there and stuff.. if we were to change the name the booking might not be able to link to the flight. hope this will not affect my SIP appraisal man..
but.. i'm still excited over lau tak wah!! kelly got a blur pic of him..
hehe.. i think tonight can't sleep le.. =>
Saturday, October 28, 2006
went to the market today... pass by the pasar malam which i have no idea why is it open so early.. and got myself a pair of shoe!!

hehe.. first shoe of mine that is of this kind..
went to work.. and today is such a boring day... got jakarta flight at 855pm... so today is a no break.. plus half an hour OT.
although got no break.. today was quite relax.. kelly, amanda, samantha and i were like having our own mini party at the last two counters.. listening to music on our phone.. singing songs.. setting dates for k session.. bitching about other ppl.. haha.. that was the slow moving afternoon of today..
and guess wad.. we've checked that andy lau, gillian chung of twins, and joey yung will be flying tmr in the morning!! haha.. and we were joking.. if he comes to our counter.. we will sing the song "woo oh, gei wo yi bei wang qing shui.." haha.. damn funny..
at night did the ticket stacks for the jakarta flight.. and had to wait for the ppl from the gate to come back with 2 tickets.. that's why OT lo..
looking forward to tmr.. hehe..
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
another long day today... 10 hr shift.. but had meeting at conrad at 7pm.. so had to go on diet (meaning no break).. and claim the last hour break for early release..
nothing much for today..
meeting was alright.. but somehow getting mixed feelings about the org..
not feeling too good today..
btw, here are some pictures i took using my phone at mich's bd party.. more to come when i get the pictures from van..

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
today is the clearing up of all the overbooking.. cos it's coming to the end of the weekend holiday period..
then jiu kong came to my counter for check in.. funny guy lo.. lu kung wei.. haha... there was some problem with the electronic ticket record.. so was trying to solve the problem for him... after checking him in, i went to the departure gate for duty.. saw him again.. then he was like.. "oh, you know magic?".. haha..
tired.. but had fun working...
Monday, October 23, 2006
one of the few days that i work this 10 hr shift..
today got colombo flight.. first time i doing that flight also.. avril suppose to take over my counter.. and another two to take over lin and amanda.. but avril say she not feeling well so left first.. which means two counters left open.. when lin and amanda packed.. the other staff packed also.. then before the flight is closed, there was already no one at the counter!! haha.. that was funny la...
then there was these 3 pax at lin's counter.. they had 4 hand carry.. each suppose to carry only one weighing 7kg each.. all 4 adds up to 21kg.. but lin does not allow them to carry the 4.. she insisted that they had to empty one bag and squeeze all the things into the 3 bags.. two were already full.. and when they zip up the bag u can see the shape of the box in the bag.. it was damn funny la.. like.. it's damn obvious there's no where else to squeeze but she just kept telling them to squeeze.. haha.. then i couldn't take it and lol.. hehe.. the pax saw me laugh they also laugh.. then lin also cannot tahan also laugh.. haha.. then after pax left, she scold me say she tried to be stern but got spoilt by my laughter.. haha..
good experience though.. and a good laugh too... =>
Sunday, October 22, 2006
today's load is still the situation of overbooking.. but not as serious as the past two days.. however it got bad with the snowballing of pax from yesterday's flight..
tired out by the movement from the counter to the info to get seats for our pax.. worse of all.. today's location is right smack in the centre where any pax q-ing can see you.. so they'll definitely come straight to you for check in...
btw, u remember the 9pm channel 8 show "love at zero degrees"?? in the show the elvin ng's father?? ya.. he came to my counter to check in at the last min.. and of course.. no seats le.. then i was HELPING him getting a seat at the info.. he started flaring up and all.. but lucky his friend is understanding.. and thank me after all the effort to ask for volunteers to go on tmr's flight.. my god.. no space le still demand for upgrade.. and almost cause a delay in the flight lo..
rest time..
Saturday, October 21, 2006
today's job is something like runner.. being the supervisor and the info's left and right hand.. haha..
yesterday's pax who volunteered to go on today's flight were given monetary compensation, and also a free stay at a hotel.. plus a confirm seat on today's flight, business class somemore..
so my job was to wait for these volunteers to turn up at the counter.. and make them happy.. haha.. of course, i'm responsible for all the money and the paper work to be done for these DBC (denied boarding compensation)..
at night i went to attend mich's 21st birthday party.. it's actually her brother's bd.. but she celebrating hers early.. (25th oct). held at one fullerton.. it was like a mini gathering for all of us.. and gavin brought his partner along.. ...
not much comments.. but it was really nice to see everyone again.. and thanks to boon for being my partner for the night.. and thanks to vanessa, i got a surround sound system for the music that night.. haha..

and here it is.. the present we shared for michelle.. dear, hope u like it..
i really enjoyed myself.. really.. more pictures to be updated.. after i get them from vanessa.. ;>
Friday, October 20, 2006
today is hell.. cos of depa raya.. singapore is having a long weekend holiday... thus.. all our flights are over booked.. and some are even overbooked by 30 over pax.. my gosh.. where are we gonna put these pax..
and so today there was a lot of movement at the counter.. every one was moving to and fro the counter and the info to get seats for their pax.. and sometimes there can be more ppl crowding at the info rather than at the counter..
and the queue was non stop!! i sat at my counter at 5.50am.. all the way till 1 plus.. then the crowd start to subside.. a little.. no break for drinks or toilet or food.. first time so tired out by chk in..
first time also, that i come across situations like serious overbooking.. and now i know how to handle them better in future..
good job everyone.. tmr we shall fight the snowballing pax again!! fighting!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
work was fine.. did morning shift.. and i was praised by my supervisor.. haha.. =>
ailing and i planned to meet today a few weeks ago.. then i asked nic along.. when nearing the meeting time, i couldn't get ailing.. all the panic feeling came in, fearing we might not be able to catch the movie in time.. things like that.. haha..
of course. you caught it. world trade centre.. nice show..
all the catching up with each othe rafter the movie was great.. i'm very consoled that i still have friends who are willing to take time off their life to meet up with me and share their life with me.. guess these are the few friends that will really stand by me even after graduation..
suddenly filled with emotions.. sob..
Monday, October 16, 2006
guess wad.. i went to the the aircraft area.. not inside.. but outside!! haha.. cool..

haha... the cathay flight has already left by the time i made my way down.. so there you are!! japan airline!! one of my future working company.. haha...
today was really a happening day.. i was assisting the gate for all the flights.. and for the first flight, i went to search for the last pax, and she was at the other end of the terminal.. with her lugguage.. i ran with her towards the gate.. and while running, my supervisor kept irritating me.. asking me on the walkie for my location.. by the time i reach the security check area, i was panting like hell.. haha.. so much for training for NAFA huh..
then, the next flight got cancelled due to technical fault.. so we had to push our pax to a later flight or transfer them to SQ. my supervisor just hand over a piece of flight interuption manifest(FIM) and a group of pax and said to me, "jovi, u go over to T2, and chk them in." that's all. when i ask where exactly am i suppose to go, she just say, "follow your heart". then i was like.. wth... so with a grp of pax behind me, we made our way to T2. clever me looked at the FIM and brought them to the economy chk-in counter.. hehe..
then, i was suddenly in charge of liasing with the SQ ppl, the pax and the supervisor.. stressful job. first time i come across such incident and i had to handle it well..
it was quite funny when the grp of pax apologise to me when it's our fault. when i asked them why say sorry, they say sorry to trouble me to bring them over and settle everything for them. so touched. then there was this bus class pax, who couldn't get onto the flight. so i escorted him back to T1 to make a booking at our counter for tmr's flight. i thought he'll flare up like hell, but he also said he understand that it's not our fault. how understanding some pax can be..
then, the last flight that i was doing, this pax brought in two wooden thing that looks like the back part of the rifle. and because of that, he was not allowed to board the plane although he came in super early. then something happened at the gate, and we were down by one pax. when i went into the aircraft to chk if the pax is on board, there was a sudden blackout. it was quite dark as it was already 6 plus. then this guy grabbed my hand and ask me what happened. i couldn't think of anything, so i mentioned something stupid. "maybe the captain accidentally switched off the lights" then i smiled. haha.. lame right..
when the lights came up again.. i looked back at the guy and he smiled at me.. guess he knows i was just joking.. haha..
Sunday, October 15, 2006
today is quite a good day.. except for the night..
did group check in today.. i handle 3 different groups all on my own, without any help.. so proud of myself.. plus the tour leader was telling dennis that i pass the group check in.. hmm.. think it will help in my apprasial.. hehe..
at night was hell... worked at waraku.. then the stupid supervisor was not behaving like a role model.. i was so super angry with him cos of something he did.. that was the first time i flared up at waraku after 2 years i think.. even my managers were so scared to talk to me..
then the 2 managers got me and him to sit down and talk things out. i told him wad i was unhappy about. from his attitude to his working style.. then he mentioned that he think communication is not very impt.
after hearing that i was even more unhappy, cos i study hospitality, i understand the imptance.. so i went on saying how i feel.. and asked him if he has anything to say to me. and he just kept quiet. stupid guy.
hmph.. spoilt my day..
Saturday, October 14, 2006
i'm so irritated by my colleague la!! code no. 6044.. irritating.. i was doing morning shift.. helping kelly with the group check in.. then she was sitting next to me.. took the boarding passes.. the mess up two different group's boarding pass.. now it's even harder to find the BP for that one person right??
plus, these groups have an onward flight to taipei.. she din know.. then just anyhow slot the wrong sector BP into the passport.. omg.. i almost wanted to die!!
she has her own pax to check in.. then still wanna kaypoh my counter..
got split booking.. but i'm surprise she doesn't know how to check in this kinda booking man..
but nvm.. later, i forgot to return two pax their itinerary.. went to the gate to pass to the pax.. and end up being their D4, assisting in crowd control..
one of the flight was delayed.. so we were given a short break to eat something.. then can only leave after the aircraft leaves...
after work rushed for tuition.. exams coming soon.. and i'm quite happy that the two boys scored quite okie-ly for the mock paper i ask them to do.. but, i gave them spelling for 2A.. got a lot of wrong... now i'm worried..
the past two days was off day.. was at chinatown on boh days for training for my new job.. not that i quit any.. but it's an additional.. it's quite interesting.. and i think if u have the confidence, you can earn quite a bit from here.. =>
after the training.. went to conrad for FBMA meeting.. sucks. i hate the attitude of some of the people man.. really dunno wad's shame.. sigh.. so disappointed..
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
today.. lin and i got a lunch date with the country manager.. not just the three of us of course.. it's with those who helped out at the gala dinner last friday.. had lunch at crystal jade.. and the food.. fab..
suppose to start work at 11.30, but the lunch got me started at about 1430.. hehe..
nothing much happened.. except at night i was doing the tkt stack, again... not that i'm complaining cos practise makes perfect.. but.. got something happened.. someone misuplifted a tkt. the sector was hkg to rome instead of sin to hkg.. i had to get a senior staff to teach me how to handle the situation.. sigh..
at night, my family came to fetch me and we went to kallang to have taiwan porridge for dinner.. seems like they starved till 8 plus to wait for me to knock off for dinner.. we were kinda like celebrating my sis's bd today cos yesterday she was not free...
oh well, the day ended bad cos of my family.. =<
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
did morning shift today.. i was sitting very near to the business class counter.. so therefore i checked in a few business class pax too.. but the bad thing is.. i keep forgetting to put the priority bag tag for them, and issuing lounge card to them!! haha..
then there was this pax.. he told me a long story about how he got fired.. and that's why he's going back so much earlier than the supposed 10th dec. so okie.. he was going to bkk and he came to my counter at about 9 plus.. i did the check in and thought it was settled.. then..
after like 2 hours.. it suddenly striked me that he wanted to get home fast.. meaning the earliest flight back.. i started to panic.. thinking.. omg.. he must be like stuck in the transit cos the flight i checked him in is at 1330. i was like.. die.. die.. then.. my colleague reminded me that.. there's only one flight that goes to bkk everyday.. and it's at 1330.. !!!!
lucky man.. how could i have forgotten the time right.. stupid me.. hehe..
btw, today's my sister's 24th birthday.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRACE!!
Monday, October 09, 2006
bad day to start for my first solo day..
was checking in my first pax of the day.. a mother with two children.. she has excess baggage.. so i went to look for my sup to see how much waiver can i get for her.. when i get back.. bad news.. i can't find that woman's passport!! omg!! i panicked like shit la.. then in the end.. my colleague found it stuck in another person's passport.. phew..
that's one heart-stopping incident today..
then at night i did ticket stack, which is to tally the no. of tickets.. alone... stress..
Sunday, October 08, 2006
morning shift today.. so tired.. the day before slept at about 4.. then yesterday got SIP classroom session.. then at night working.. then today wake up at 4am.. zzz...
today is the last day of OJT.. kinda sad that my mentor will not be with me anymore.. but on the other hand, it's challenging to face the different pax once i'm on solo tmr.. haha..
today i was put on business class check in counter.. stress..
yesterday's classroom session was really kinda like a gathering for the HTM ppl.. imagine after we graduate.. i think there'll be little chance for us to gather like that.. then Helen was very cute and nice. she called up the school to inform them that i worked till 3am on the night of the gala dinner and they are to excuse me if i appear to look sleepy in class.. haha.. cool right.. talk about welfare for the staff.. hehe..
btw, here are more pictures from the Cathay's 60th anniversary gala dinner...

this is Nancy, Cathay's cover girl..
the 4 beauties wearing the vintage uniform.. the two at the sides are hkg staff and they are japanese...
that's the first pilot of the Cathay in the middle..
and that's our country manager.. mr stephen wong.. the guy who picked lin(the girl on the right) and i to help out for this event..
and this is the cover boy of Cathay.. looks old right.. ppl of my age think he's average.. but ppl of the middle age thinks that he's handsome..
this is another one of the hkg staff wearing the vintage uniform.. this one is really pretty.. this uniform is the one liane and my aunt wore when they were air crew of Cathay..
the girl on the right is another hkg staff wearing the vintage uniform with that pumpkin hat.. =>
Friday, October 06, 2006
was suppose to work at the airport today.. but was given an off day at the airport.. but working at night at the conrad for Cathay's 60th anniversary.. lin and my job was to stand at the base of the stairs and welcome the guest. and we really just stand there and greet.. for one and a half hours.. today's gala dinner was for charity and also to showcase the vintage uniforms of Cathay from the time it started till now..
saw boon and weili!! they were like super busy.. haha.. but lin and i were like so superly enjoying ourselves la.. taking pictures whenever we can.. with the managers, supervisors.. with the gals wearing the vintage uniform.. with the country manager.. haha.. and.. we were asked to sit with our airport manager in the front!! omg... we were super hungry by the time the dinner started, and we still have to watch our ettiquette while eating cos we are at vip's table.. haha.. wth..

lin and i at the hotel room..
that's ryna.. ex TP-HTM student..
briefing in progress..
enjoying ourselves with the photo-taking session before we start working... hehe..
you know wad.. we suspect the bf of the girl beside me is ah xin of mayday!! haha.. saw the neoprint of the two of them on her locker.. and they said her bf is a taiwanese and she always travel there to look for her bf.. i guess.. the guess is right.. hmm...
Cathay Pacific's 60th birthday cake!!
introducing to you.. CATHAY DELIGHT!! the drink served on business and first class to our passangers.. mixture of coconut and kiwi.. sounds a bit wierd.. but taste nice.. =>
the Cathay interns!!!!
fatherly Mr. Cheong and i.. haha.. he seemed thrilled to see me in my red uniform.. haha..
one of the sales and marketing staff from the office.. really looked like an air stewardess..
that's my airport manager..
one of the airport staff.. wearing the first uniform of Cathay!! so pretty..
Audrey.. another TP-HTM ex intern of Cathay..
this is Liane.. my aunt's ex colleague.. and we're now sisters!!
i have many more pictures to share.. but gtg soon.. i'll post it up subsequently.. =>
btw, after the dinner, my airport manager and my sister and a few other went to have a drink at the bar near the lobby.. till about 2 plus.. then on the way to lin's house.. we got lost.. so took quite some time.. by the time i reached home, it was already about 3 plus.. haha..
tired.. look out for more pictures ya? ;)
Thursday, October 05, 2006
whole day at the transfer desk today.. when we went to the counter, there were already people and cases for us to handle.. cases like transfering bags from T2 SQ to our flight.. then need to send telex and stuff.. then there was quite a no. of people, so i was like handling one counter and my mentor was handling one counter.. scary!! haha.. then the indians shake their head when they say yes.. and confuse me man.. then i just ask them a yes or no qn and look down, so that i will get the verbal ans for confirmation.. haha..
after that crowd disperse.. it was super slack already.. dunno how come, ailson and naidu came to the transfer, saying the counter sent them here.. omg.. so ailson and i were like chatting for an hour at the desk.. haha..
btw, i'm not involved in the golf tornament tmr le.. instead.. i'm involved in the gala dinner at night!! haha.. so cool right!! haha.. i'm so excited la.. i'm given the day off from work at the airport.. so i'll just need to go at night to conrad with lin.. yeah!! i'm so gonna take pics and pics and blog them man.. haha.. till then.. look out for updates ya.. ;>
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
today i'm like half on solo.. cos i'm suppose to off on tuesday, but sat have to go back to TP for classroom session, so my off day is changed to sat and had to work today. so according to my mentor's schedule, she's not working today.. so i followed ben.. who left for the transfer after awhile with me. hmm.. scary..
then there was this pax who's return flight to bkk was on the 10 dec. but he got fired by the local company, so he wants to go back today. so i went to ask the supervisor and she says allow go show for him.. his was an electronic tkt. so i forgot to link after he left.. then when i went to check on the no. of tkt i should have, i got a shock.. haha.. but lucky i found out and link the et back.. okie.. that's settled. he approached me at about 9 plus and told me he wants the earliest flight back.. then when i saw his booking.. i checked him in for the 1.30pm flight!!! i was like.. omg he's gonna screw me upside down cos he has to stay in the transit for about 4 hours.. then i was so worried about it man.. then... after a while... i realise something stupid of me.. there's only one flight to bkk, and that's the flight at 1.30pm. wth right..
then it was meeting for the events that is taking place on friday.. the cathay 60th gala dinner and the golf tournament in the morning.. hmm.. felt kinda out of place to be sitting in for the briefing of the gala dinner when samantha and i are suppose to only be involved in the golf tournament in the morning.. hhaa.. but felt kinda honoured that we were chosen to be involved.. great exposure man..
after that we went to T2 swensens for lunch with the country manager.. Mr. Stephen Wong.. 32 single.. haha.. then sue lim ask amanda and i to sit beside the stephen wong.. so awkward la.. he was like leaning on to me.. my god.. but then.. it's another exposure for me.. =>
after lunch, kelly, amanda, vanessa, samantha, yi xian and i went to make our airport pass. the stupid police nv give notice when he's gonna take the pic la.. then only one take.. lucky mine turn out not too badly.. haha..
Monday, October 02, 2006
forgot to set my alarm.. plus the alarm was out of my reach... so when shi ling called and said "hello jovi, the transport is here.. are you coming down?" i got a shock.. i just woke up!! haha..
in the end, i rushed to the toilet with my uniform.. changed.. wash up and put on my stockings.. grab my bag and rush out of the house... and i did everything within the short period of 5 mins.. haha.. and i had to move around silently as i didn't want my mom to know that i woke up late.. haha..
then when i reached the void deck.. i saw a cab.. i was so lucky cos he driver wanted to take another pax before changing shift.. haha.. then on the way to the airport.. i put on my makeup in the dark.. and when putting my mascara, i told the uncle "uncle! go fast and steady hor.. i putting make up.." haha... and when i reached the office, shiling and all were just about to punch in.. haha.. so from the time i woke up to the time i reach the office was less than 30 mins...
at the counter.. i felt that i was still not awake.. plus i just came back from my off day.. i almost forgot everything i've learnt the past weeks.. but lucky for me.. i got my precious notes to refer.. and i'm a fast learner.. so it just took me two to three check ins to refresh my memory..
checked in wrong pax today.. but lucky when i did was just to add the baggage and reprint boarding pass.. so it's not so serious and i checked against the passport and realise the mistake.. haha.. whenever something happen i'll start calling out for my mentor.. damn funny.. lucky i'm able to delete the baggage info and tear away the extra boarding pass.. phew..
did D4.. and went out to look for pax on my own.. felt so good being alone.. like carrying the responsibility of looking for pax.. and holding the walkie.. without anyone telling me wad to do.. i guess i need to be more confident when going solo..
by the time i knock off, my tummy was already growling like nobody's business.. haha.. then when i went to the locker room, saw kelly and amanda eating hokkien mee.. SO TEMPTING!!! haha.. can't resist the temptation, so went to buy the same thing with alison.. haha..
took a bus home.. lin, ailson and raymond was in the same bus.. they were going to make their airport pass.. then before reaching the stop, raymond reminded them that they are reaching the stop, but when they reach the stop, raymond just fell asleep.. damn funny..
later i'm gonna give tuition.. and tmr i'm having lunch with the country manager with all the other interns.. so exciting!! haha.. got to leave work early for the briefing for this friday's event, and lunch.. so i guess tmr i'll be working from 5.30 to 11.30 only.. like part timer shift.. haha..