i saw ANDY LAU!!!!!! OMG... he is still as charismatic as ever.. and he still look good for his age la.. and he is so humble.. i was at the check in counter.. but i think someone check in for him so he didn't come to the counter.. was a little disappointed.. then i realise that i am suppose to report for duty at the gate for that flight!!! haha.. i was so excited.. everyone was like "RELAX!!!" HAHA.. i secretly printed an extra boarding pass.. and kept it with me at the boarding gate..
he came in after joey yung and gillian chung of TWINS... both wore dark shades.. and super dao.. but ANDY was different.. many ppl were crowding around him.. and made way for him.. then he was like.. "so many ppl.. i'm so shy.." haha.. then i reach out for his boarding pass.. then i think he thought i want to shake his hand.. so he shook mine!!!!! haha.. excited man.. then the machine very co-operative.. took a long time to process the boarding pass.. so i made use of the opportunity.. and got him to sign on the extra boarding pass that i printed!!! haha.. he was so full of smile.. omg.. heart melt..
then left last 3 pax.. i was asked to go to the aircraft and check the seats.. i passed him.. and was stopped by him... " can i have a pillow pls.." omg.. heart melted for the 2nd time.. haha..
then the ramp staff had to speak to the captain.. so i purposely stand at the exit and admire him from far.. hehe..
btw, saw eason chan too.. short guy.. and looked so grouchy..
after all the excitement.. got unwanted attention and guest.. statement got taken by police.. pax name is farrimah bte mohd yusoff.. booking made as mohd yusoff farrimah ms. boarding pass states mohdyusoff/far. police says immigration dun accept cos mohdyusoff is father's name and the father can use the boarding pass. then my supervisor came and explain the airline's stand.. that normally we will accept the pax cos the initial is still there and stuff.. if we were to change the name the booking might not be able to link to the flight. hope this will not affect my SIP appraisal man..
but.. i'm still excited over lau tak wah!! kelly got a blur pic of him..
hehe.. i think tonight can't sleep le.. =>
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