was suppose to work at the airport today.. but was given an off day at the airport.. but working at night at the conrad for Cathay's 60th anniversary.. lin and my job was to stand at the base of the stairs and welcome the guest. and we really just stand there and greet.. for one and a half hours.. today's gala dinner was for charity and also to showcase the vintage uniforms of Cathay from the time it started till now..
saw boon and weili!! they were like super busy.. haha.. but lin and i were like so superly enjoying ourselves la.. taking pictures whenever we can.. with the managers, supervisors.. with the gals wearing the vintage uniform.. with the country manager.. haha.. and.. we were asked to sit with our airport manager in the front!! omg... we were super hungry by the time the dinner started, and we still have to watch our ettiquette while eating cos we are at vip's table.. haha.. wth..

lin and i at the hotel room..
that's ryna.. ex TP-HTM student..
briefing in progress..
enjoying ourselves with the photo-taking session before we start working... hehe..
you know wad.. we suspect the bf of the girl beside me is ah xin of mayday!! haha.. saw the neoprint of the two of them on her locker.. and they said her bf is a taiwanese and she always travel there to look for her bf.. i guess.. the guess is right.. hmm...
Cathay Pacific's 60th birthday cake!!
introducing to you.. CATHAY DELIGHT!! the drink served on business and first class to our passangers.. mixture of coconut and kiwi.. sounds a bit wierd.. but taste nice.. =>
the Cathay interns!!!!
fatherly Mr. Cheong and i.. haha.. he seemed thrilled to see me in my red uniform.. haha..
one of the sales and marketing staff from the office.. really looked like an air stewardess..
that's my airport manager..
one of the airport staff.. wearing the first uniform of Cathay!! so pretty..
Audrey.. another TP-HTM ex intern of Cathay..
this is Liane.. my aunt's ex colleague.. and we're now sisters!!
i have many more pictures to share.. but gtg soon.. i'll post it up subsequently.. =>
btw, after the dinner, my airport manager and my sister and a few other went to have a drink at the bar near the lobby.. till about 2 plus.. then on the way to lin's house.. we got lost.. so took quite some time.. by the time i reached home, it was already about 3 plus.. haha..
tired.. look out for more pictures ya? ;)
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