mom sent him off and was waiting for me at the arrival area.. when i got on the car, she asked if i met my dad and wad did he say.. was still struggling with my emotions that i cried in front of my mom.. i believe she's not feeling very good about it as well but is holding back her tears and trying to be strong for the family..
chat with my sister when i was in new york.. and i really feel very warm in the heart when consoled by my sister about the things that are happening to me in my life and my emotions.. and we even chat about changing the outlook of our room and going shopping for furnitures this coming sunday.. really looking forward to it and hope that i'll be able to share all my problems with her without reservations in the near future.. of course, i have to pass the obstacle that's in my heart..
many ppl are concern about me, my life and my emotions.. i really want to thank these ppl, namely: zifu, ailing, michelle, kai, javin, nicholas, linda low.. those not mentioned, thank u all as well.. i really appreciate the concern and support given to me and i'm really trying my best to pull myself up and go on with life..
some updates on my long trip..
upon touch down in frankfurt, rested for a few hours before going out with the crew for lunch at the italian joint and then off to town for some expensive shopping.. (not for me of course..)
and in new york.. i took quite a no. of pics of the streets of NEW YORK...
and on my trip to new york, beloved colleague, AYU, took really good care of me.. love her loads..
this is another very nice crew, peixuan, who took very good care of me as well and she's a good shopping khaki...
and then in frankfurt we went to this thai joint that serve super nice phat thai and thai milk tea..
chill out with vanessa and ailing last night.. and today met ailing for lunch at orchard and met xiu for k session, with sha joining us for dinner.. catch up session and everyone seem to be kinda stuck in life.. well, for me especially so..
gonna attend my cousin's wedding tmr.. will update again.. thanks to everyone who showed ur concern once again.. really appreciate it.. can't imagine how i'll be without the support of u guys.. thanks..
用太多借口, 来弥补寂寞
却无法, 找回自由
用太多借口, 来弥补寂寞
却无法, 找回自由
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