and it's another steamboat dinner.. yes.. i have had 3 steamboat meals in a week.. cool huh.. but this time is with the IG members.. at marina south.. it has been such a long time since we gathered together... looking at my seniors catching up with each other, somehow it puts a smile on my face..

the night didn't just end with a dinner.. we went over to orchard party world for some k session and got ourselves real high!! at least for jasmine and myself.. hehe.. 无言的结局.. my new must-sing song..

love the company really.. actually.. i just like to be surrounded by friends.. cos being alone is really not a very nice feeling and i hate it.. we sang till 3am.. not shiok enough but at least i enjoyed myself..
fetched my brother to take his medical test for youth flying club.. he wanna be a pilot.. good that he has got a direction.. but flying.. not a good experience for me.. but then again.. not good for me doesn't mean not good for him right.. all the best bro..
met up with kai and linda for lunch and zifu joined us later.. simple lunch to share with each other poly memories and stories from past and present.. i miss poly life.. and i believe the rest will agree with me totally..

thanks zifu, for making the effort to join us right after you book out.. u look smart.. thanks linda for organizing the lunch.. thanks kai for joining us and bringing laughter to our lunch..
thanks my fellow IG mates for making the effort to come for the gathering..
thanks to everyone who has been with me all these while. i appreciate it.
was watching tv and then this scene at the cemetery brings tears to my eyes.. reminding me of my grandma.. and then of my dad in indo..
man. i hate the way i'm living my life.
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