back from melbourne.. my sis's teammate was on this flight with me.. so it made things better.. flight to melbourne was okie.. except for this medical case that was under my care cos of first person contact.. always kana these kinda things man.. but ifs was nice enough to move the pax to PCL and got me to take care of her till next meal svc.. and the pax was quite scared that she held on to my hand.. it felt so familiar.. at that moment it felt as though my grandma is next to me, holding on to my hands as she speaks to me..
rested after checking in.. then went out for lunch with the crew.. went to this vietnamese restaurant and the beef noodles is really good.. esp the soup... yum..

challenging customers.. haha..
walked the streets and bought krispy kreme..

that's a touch screen directory.. damn cool.. they even show u have to get to the shop with animated figurings on the screen... technology...

and with the help from the directory.. we found our krispy kreme!!

B1, B2.. and B3!! haha.. and to those ppl out there.. B3 is my regular job.. like seriously. haha.

with doreen, edmund and boon.. yeah..
and on the streets of melbourne..

i saw something that makes me wonder.. where's my 白马王子..

and then i got to try melbourne's bubble tea.. super ex.. and think taiwan's still the best.. haha..

went out to mac with edmund at night to grab dinner.. and i got caught.. on the store's cam.. haha..

haha.. i look like i'm on some kinda show like "u're on candid camera.." or.. like some kinda tape that convenient stores have which help them to track shoplifters.. haha.. thought it's quite cool.. thanks edmund for taking this funny pic of me.. hehe.
the counter staff gave me a funny look when i ordered this..

haha.. small appetite mah..
and then i went back to the 4 walls.. and 'enjoyed' my meal.. alone.

surprisingly, i wasn't as upset as i thought i'll be being in the room alone.. probably getting used to the sucky life.. entertained myself by switching channels every 15 seconds.. and falling in and out of sleep while reading my brother's book.. well.. i'm back.
heard about my bed being moved out of my room, in anticipation of my new furnitures.. and my room is in this state now..

went to ikea and courts just now to settle the rest of the furnitures and some paperwork.. finally settled, except for my chair bed cover.. no stock.. sad.
thanks load to dearest ailing, for accompanying me to ikea and courts.. suppose to be a catch up session cum supper, but ended up running about, rushing for time.. sorry dear. but really million thanks for being there..
while in melbourne zifu called. needed a favour from me and i of course gladly oblige. it's really really nice to hear from someone familiar, especially when you're in an unfamiliar place.. thanks for calling brother.
busy week ahead. bless me pls.
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