i'm not quite finished with my pakistan stay if i din remember wrongly...
the last night spent there was quite an eye opener for me.. susan and i kinda crashed into a wedding and the ppl were quite nice to allow both of us to take a look at the settings and all.. and it seems like their custom is almost the same as sin: late weddings. we went at about 8 plus local time and guest were still streaming in... and the bride and groom where not around yet..
back to sin with my dad welcoming me home with a hug.. i just love that moment.. went to pick brother up from the youth flying club after 2 hrs of rest.. then lunch at ang mo kio with dad and shawn.. 
i just love my brother so.. and thanks sharing with dad ur thoughts on my love life huh... haha.. but we had fun making fun of each other.. and seeing dad smiling at our conversation..
dinner with drey.. and it was gal's talk.. it's amazing how close we are now, when we've known each other's existance since sec 1 and only now we are like friends.. when ppl ask me: "who u went out with?" i paused in my ans.. in my mind i was thinking: is she my sec sch or poly friend? but then, that's not important. my ans to the qn was: "i went out with a close friend". i think that's important to note.
lunch with ailing after her lesson.. and it was a girl talk session again i remember, though i can't really remember the contents of the conversation.. it has been a while since we sat down and talk.. and i felt so much better chatting with her. whether or not the advice are useful or whether she has anything to share with me, she's just the only one that i trust the most to share everything with...
got ready for my holiday to shanghai with my mom and sis at night, and off we went on the all-gals trip, leaving the 2 guys behind.. pics taken from my sis's and some from me..

this is copied and pasted:
[Day 1: 人民广场,南京路步行街,和平饭店,外滩, followed by a good massage all the way back at the vicinity of our crew hotel. hee.
Day 2: 豫园,城隍庙,七浦路。 Quite a good shopping area at 七浦路, but they are not entirely my style and we soon got a headache from the crazy bustle. Dinner was at 新天地,which was really near our hotel.
Day 3: 杭州. The only cock-up for this trip was arriving at Shanghai South railway station, only to realise that the train tickets i bought weren't departing from this station. Thank goodness we were able to change them, and get on the train just in time. Did 灵隐寺,西湖, and some shopping before we caught the train back to Shanghai. Bought Beijing 2008 Olympics tee from Adidas for everyone at home! And we found a restaurant selling Singapore delicacies like Chicken rice and Laksa!]
yap, that was my intinerary for the trip and i feel so sorry i din participate in the planning for the trip and all.. apart from the ppl there, i felt it was good quality time spend with my family, esp my mom who held my hands when walking on the streets.. fighting for space on the bed, she encouraging me to get things for myself, and wad i thought is damn cool is her bargaining skills.. one word to discribe: ZAI!! haha.
back from the trip and then attended the first half of my cousin's wedding before rushing off for flt..
frankfurt was alright.. except i forgot to bring my wintercoat... and i was not feeling very good.. to the extend i din take a single pic for this trip.. so not me right? i know. the only high point of the flt was the mj session in the crew room.. lost, but it was quite cool to be playing mj overseas.. haha..
ailing got me worried bout her just before my flt.. and lucky she's okie.. went to accompany her when i came back, and i pains me to see her not feeling good, and the ah mas next to her, reminds me of my po po...
back for kai's birthday and it was really nice to see the 08 gang so close as a class even after 1 yr of graduation.. so envious of them... but his mom was really cute, and so was his cake.. pics will be uploaded once i get them from linda.. k-ed with manda, jr, emi and linda after the party till 5 plus in the morning... and i realise i haven been k-ing for quite some time le.. miss those days when i practised the duets with manda.. and feeling so satisfied when we both mastered a song..
sat went to mt faber safra for fbma bowling... suppose to be in the com but ended up replacing jeff and playing with mark, jodin and tian.. all the pros.. and me?? total score is only 2 digit while the rest has 3.. haha.. and i din even get a consolation prize.. haha.. dinner with mom in chinatown, then went to chill at music dreamers.. seriously a cool place..
going for flt later.. some internal mistakes made and i have to be the sway one to have it happen on me. damn it.
be back soon. ta.
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