finally met up with 2 of my batchgals today.. pretty beverly became so much skinner, and mel with her new haircut, nice...

linda came over to my place for a short while while waiting for kai to meet us at 85 for dinner.. the last time i was there was with hao, shao, zifu, slyvie, alvin, weili and her bf.. it was like quite sometime ago..
had a good laugh tonight.. just by listening and looking at kai and linda talk... i dun need food to fill my tummy... just laughter.. haha..

the new spokesperson of adidas.. haha.. notice the jacket and the watch.. haha..

the two of them.. really my 开心果.. after ailing got ill, i've been feeling kinda down and lonely.. not wanting to disturb her when i feel like asking her out.. but i'm glad there are ppl who still wanna meet me.. if not u'll find me at music dreamers again.. haha..
crew to christchurch were nice ppl.. well, there'll always be at least one black sheep on each flt.. but most of them were nice..
captain bought us drinks.. and some of us just chilled in the crew room.. some using internet, some watching tv, some just chatting..

look at the amount of drinks captain bought for 6 of us.. haha..

the christchurch cathedral..

eunice, the crew who went sightseeing with my mom and sis to osaka exactly a year ago, and tobi, the crew who totally shocked me when he said he's married...

i think it's the 2nd time i've been into a church that looks like a church.. with the pillars and the seats positioned the way it is shown in shows and movies.. haha..

tobi lighting a candle for blessing..

look at the life of these ppl... playing life size chess outside the cathedral on a weekday.. and the ppl around them watching the 'match'..

look at this.. slacking by the river.. where can u find this scene in singapore??

i spotted this little boy emo-ing by the river..
and this little girl too...
so relax... they can take a nap on the grass...
friendship corner.. but i see more couples than friends together in this corner..
real pink roses!! beautiful...
streets of christchurch...
i dunno wad's that called, but it just looks damn cool..
there u go.. pics from christchurch..
and pics from kai's birthday party that i promised...
the birthday hunk!!
erm... u wouldn't want to know wad they were doing... haha..
the ng family..
the guest to his party...
the girls...
and the guys...
the birthday boy and i...
i can't explain the pic..
and i got sabo-ed.. haha..
more gatherings tmr before i go find bel in melbourne!!
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