back from hkg-sfo.. and did many things during my off days before i had the time to share with u guys my trip...
touched down in hkg from sin and the moment i on my hp, i got a call from kai.. so nice to hear from him always.. cos he's the only one that nv fails to remember me and check on my life statues every now and then.. and receiving his call will always puts a smile on my face.. cos i know that i'm not forgotten...
met my batchgirls who came in from sfo... so lucky of them to get rostered for the same flt.. and.. they came knocking on my door at 8 plus in the morning when i slept at 4am... they din even change before they came looking for me.. went out with them for lunch and caught up with each other a bit..
first meal in sfo.. HOME-COOKED FOOD!!! with lotus soup.. yummy... cousin susanna made it specially for me.. touched.. 

look at my shopping at coach!! all done within the 1.5 hrs when the kids are having their tuition.. sinful.. sinful..
works of my artistic nephew and niece..
on the 2nd night.. we watched 881 till late.. couldn't sleep so got them to sleep first.. priscilla asked if she can sleep with me and i'm okie with it.. and i thought it was v cute of them to fold my clothes and put it aside nicely, and lay the bed nicely.. and left a place on the bed for me.. so sweet..
it's manicure time!!!
and those were the times spent in sfo with my susanna and her family... always feel so paiseh to disturb and trouble them whenever i go visit and stayover.. but the blood that flows in our body.. made it seem like it's all worth wadever trouble we both had to take to meet each other..
back to hkg and hang out with sueann and fanni.. 

and there u go.. my shopping from coach in sfo.. the big one is for my mom.. and apparently she likes the one that i got for myself and for my dad.. so out of the 5 items i bought.. she got 3..
1st day's shopping.. 3 tees for 3 guy friends.. top for ma.. one for me.. and a pants for myself too..
dim sum for brunch!! yum yum..

got tempted by the perfect looking nails.. and got ours done as well.. only $12!! 
i love mine the best..
this shoe reminds me of the car i saw in auckland..
they look like they are from the same family.. haha..
jap snack... nice..
my shopping for day 2.. all tees are for my guy friends.. necklace for dear linda.. and shoe for me!!
my dinner on the last night in hkg..
and the things i bought from the supermarket!!
i was so looking forward to coming back to sin.. and this time is very very different from other flights.. cos i know that my friends are coming to pick me at the arrival hall.. came out from the baggage claim area, and saw linda, ailing, hao and kai... at that point of time, i really wanted to give each and everyone of them a hug.. cos i'm really touched they made the effort to come down and pick me and to have lunch with me.. javin and zifu were 1hr 45 mins late!! haha.. but i'm very happy that they came afterall.. haven seen all of them in so many days, and i just can't express my happiness and feelings enough.. 

the 3 guys volunteered to help me with my bags home.. i think they just wanna hitch a cab ride and to find somewhere to chill, i.e. my house. haha.. just kidding.. they were very helpful, kai carrying my mamasan bag on his shoulders, javin pulling my cabin bag and slinging my handbag, and zifu pushing my cargo bag. haha..
the plan was to watch kungfu dunk.. i've watched it before, but if u know me well, i of course wun mind watching it again.. haha.. went to princess and i thought the tickets were super old sch..

look at the 2 giants..
i love this pic... i love my friends. impromptu decision to meet up with tat and ailing.. wanted to satisfy my craving for bah kut teh.. but the nice places were close.. so settled for waraku at the central..

watched juno at tm.. interesting plot.. and it was funny cos ailing was having question mark all over her at most parts of the movie.. reason being, no subtitles.. 

let me share something funny with u.. was in starhub.. trying on the 960i with my sim card in it.. the moment i on the phone.. haven even got the chance to play with it, the phone rang. i seriously got a shock.. like, who will expect a demo phone to ring.. it took me quite a while to realise that my sim card is in the phone, which means the call is for me.. and guess who's it.. haha.. ya.. it was kai.. the person who always call at the right time.. and i talked to him for a while using the demo phone, and i thought it was quite funny.. haha..
and today, i was invited to kai's POP.. borrowed aunt's new car for the day.. weekend car, manual.. stress.. haven drove a manual car since 7-8 months ago?? haha.. went to keppel road for bah kut teh to satisfy my craving, and then started my tour around sin.. from keppel, went pass chinatown, clarke quay, orchard road, selegie road, serangoon road, kovan.. and many more.. cos went to pick hao's mom and kai's mom and brother..
came in a bit late cos of traffic.. but we got the best seats.. a row behind the VIP seats.. haha..
spot hao and kai.. haha.. 
so proud of him.. won some award.. not sure wad it was, but definitely something to be proud of. =)

kai with his family..

ailing's lovers...
my gift for kai..
kai with his prize possession..
black and white.. haha..

it's so nice have someone from the same course graduating together.. wad's more, having 4 from HTM gathered together to share this joyous occasion with each other.. 

sent kai's mom and hao's mom home after the parade.. it's a friend's duty to take care of one another.. so pls dun feel paiseh or wadever okie?? friends before me... not the first day u know me huh..

found out how to use the tv screen for the back seat.. and the movie
'secret' was screened.. haha.. quite cool..
supper with taiwan gang minus zifu at jalan kayu.. super last min, but it was quality time spent together..
thought of the day: I LOVE MY FRIENDS.
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