yap.. came back for 3 massive farewell to my 3 very close friends.. all leaving me all at a time.. and ya, i guess that's partly the reason why i'm going back to my shell syndrome..
was contemplating whether to go to sylvie's place on sunday.. then decided to go and feel the big group gathering before the festive mood comes to an end.. saw many poly friends that i've not seen for a long time.. and some of us used to be so close in yr 1 sem 1.. emi, janice, alvin lau, alison, wei li, jen peng, jackson, shao, hao, ailing... and more i believe..
played mj.. lost.. but at least it satisfied my craving ever since eve of CNY.. thanks for treating dinner shao.. =)
clearing probation, but macham like still there.. cos 1st solo after prob i was assigned galley job, which i din do before during prob.. and 2nd solo which was yesterday's flt, i was assigned galley duty again.. and for both sectors somemore.. lucky i got patient leading who helped me handled the full load up and down..
came back this morning.. and feeling lost.. normally when i come back early in the morning.. i'll chiong to get some rest till early afternoon, then chiong out to meet friends.. but today, quite lost. my mom expected me to go out as usual, and was quite shocked when i say i've no program today. she even asked if everything's okie. how do u expect me to say "no mom, i'm not okie becos i feel lost.."???
life goes on.. that's all i can say..
oh ya.. v day is coming.. plans?? massage in shanghai.. on this day last yr, i was with ailing at P.S... looking at couples walking hand in hand, while the two of us had each other.. but this yr, she has her partner, and i'm alone now. of course i'm happy for her.. though he might not be out on that day, having someone dear to her must be a v different feeling.. 祝福你们..
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