back from my long flight on monday.. and busy busy till now..
i shall start my sharing from my moscow trip... super cold and windy.. and it was snowing slightly..
believe it or not.. we were sweating at the lobby of the hotel.. in the super cold country called moscow. haha.. cos we were all geared up for the cold outside.. but inside the heater was so strong!!

the crew that i clicked very well with.. dearest huiying and i were 'bickering' all the time.. haha..
my bosses.. very nice couple..
not forgetting the funny face pose with celeste!!
beautiful architecture of russia..
that's the famous cathedral of moscow!!
ladies unite!!
looks so lala-land right..
love the white snow..
there's always for time for pics.. even on the super fast paced and squeezy train.. u wun believe that the frequency of the train is less than one minute..
working hard on the map of the train system.. trying hard to figure where we were and how to know where to get off.. cos EVERYTHING is in russian..
u must be wondering.. wad's there.. haha..
seeking shelter from the cold in starbucks..
one of the souvenir pushcart..
finally got seats on the train..
on the super super long escalator.. think from one end to the other took me about 1 minute??

you've seen the pretty white snow.. but the snow on the road is dirt brown and muddy.. and it does wonders to the cars.. haha..
back in dubai and did something i'll nv do in singapore.. DDR.. haha.. ya.. celeste and i went to the arcade.. and we really worked out from the DDR after a heavy meal..
oh!! did i mention that kai called me from taiwan when i was in dubai!! i was really touched when i received his call and we chatted for quite a while.. he had just finished his 7 day outfield or something and he called me.. really really touched.. though we were not really saying super emo stuff, i was really tearing when talking to him.. and was reluctant to hang up.. the feeling of hearing a familiar voice when u are on a stranger's land.. it'll just make u cry.

back to sin, it was dinner with the 903 gang at crystal jade.. it's really amazing how this gang formed and how it has been sustained till now.. bel is leaving soon.. and things will change i know.. still keeping my hopes high though.
i conclude.. drey's 5 megapixel hp is good.
went shopping yesterday with dad and my brother... dad got back yesterday and it was very nice of him to go to suntec with me to see my new cargo bag.. i thought my brother looks damn smart and cool in this topman suit.. but, he only got the shirt inside.. haha.. oh.. and in preparation for tonight's dinner, we went to carrefour and bought a steamboat multi cooker!! yea!!

randomly.. a pic taken on the escalator..
went to watch kungfu dunk with 903 gang.. funny show and i really enjoyed the show and the company.. i was laughing throughout the whole show.. practically from the first scene till the last.. and when i thought i was the only one, i heard drey from 2 seats away.. haha..
had k with bel in the afternoon.. and i think it's gonna be her last k session before she leaves.. hope i was not a bore to u and that u had enjoyed urself..
LEE family.. minus sis.
i thought the sleezy looking mug was put at the right spot.. haha.. chinese new year eve has always been spent at grandma's place for reunion dinner.. but from this year on, think it'll just be us. thought of doing something special at home, so i kinda persuaded my family into having our own steamboat dinner at home.. lots of preparation to do.. but i just love the feeling of having everyone gather round the cooker and scoping for something from it.. probably it's the bonding through the soup?? i dunno, but i just love it.
mom went over to her friend's place for mahjong after dinner.. and i thought dad, my brother and i can have our own mj session at home as well.. but the young one had to be the spoiler of my mood and made me sulk a little for the rest of the night..
another new year.. though it's a chinese one, my friend said we should also have a resolution for the animal year.. hmm.. okie.. think my kinship has kinda reached the stagnant stage.. not much space for improvement.. friendship, i got a lot and a lot of work to do.. like showing concern without looking as if i'm a kaypoh, and having close friends confide in me automatically so that i dun need to ask and look like a kaypoh.. relationship, nothing to talk about that. ya. so that's it.
can't wait to meet my relatives from mom's side tmr, cos the online family tree i've set up has made us a little closer, and i'm glad that that's happening.. at least there'll be more ppl to talk to me when i'm online..
just a little confused bout me and the way i handle all the -ships... if u know wad i mean. i'll be fine. it's the new year afterall, cheer up!
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