Sunday, November 14, 2010

here i am again... with lots of thoughts in my mind, with lots of things to be thankful for...

i'm thankful for crew friends like Min, Wendy, Joni... these are the people i never thought i'll be friends with. honestly speaking, i never thought i'll make friends with my colleagues.. maybe just acquaintances whom u'll find peace when flying with them again, but not the ones whom u'll hang out and meet up after flights, and even change flights to work with them... i enjoy their company, enjoy the kind of security i get when i'm with them.. i like it when i can be myself in front of them, and i dun need to care about wad they think of me... thanks gals.. u're all my angels...

i'm thankful for Shernelle... if not for her, i'll not be able to get through my uni days smoothly and with ease... if not for her, i guess i'll take longer to get through the breakup.. i felt sad when i heard she'll be leaving for shanghai to work for a year. though i dun meet her much after uni, she's considered my only uni friend, and i appreciate that she's been there to be my listening ear and a friend to me.. now that she's in shanghai, u'll never be able to imagine the joy in me and the excitement in me when i made a trip to shanghai, met her, and even a simple dinner made me feel so happy.. to be able to meet her in shanghai, to know that she's doing good and well, to know that i can visit her regularly and be there for her once in a while when she misses home.. love u too shernelle...

i'm thankful for my poly friends.. it's amazing how i only got close to them after my poly days... and though we've all began the next phase of our life, and all too busy to meet as often as we used to, i choose to believe that deep in everyone of our hearts, we still care a lot for each other, never forgetting about each other... just that the society we live in groomed us to be less expressive of our feelings, most of us tend to think that we've been forgotten, we've been neglected, we've all alone. i'm guilty of that, and even now, i'll still feel the same way at times.. nevertheless, thanks to all who's been there for me, will always be there for me, and appreciate me for who i am...

i'm thankful for all the new friends i've made.. i dun normally make friends easily.. i'm more conservative, more restraint to myself, and i dun trust people easily to begin with, thus it's harder for me to make friends. thus, i'm thankful i've met eric and martin, and through them i know many other new friends.. which opened up my social circle, and thanks to them, i'm slowly walking out of my shell... slowly learning to love myself more, and to enjoy life more...

last but not least.. i'm thankful for my family.. blood is thicker than water, and that's really well said.. though i may not seem to be close to my family, deep inside, i love them very much.. my father who seldom speaks at home will find chance to ask me about my work and life, and will always try his best to send me and pick me from work.. my mom who nags a lot, but still looks after the family well and whenever she talks about something she feels about the family and herself, the teary eyes touches me always.. she'll do random things like giving me a hug or a kiss out of nowhere.. my sis who has moved out.. and though we've never been close, i always long for a day when we can both go shopping, go karaoke, go drinking, and hang out together as sisters.. not forgetting my beloved brother.. to ask me to forsake anything, i can, except my brother. he may not know it, but he's the most important person in my life.. now and forever, looking at how he grow from a boy to a man, how he plan for his own future, i'm really proud of him..

been having weird dreams recently, and i just felt i should express my appreciation to all that is important to me.. so here's a post dedicated to everyone that i care. in case i never make it back one of these days.. these are the people i want to thanks for creating such impact in my life.