Monday, June 27, 2005

has been feeling kinda moody these few days.. but i think the problem just lies with me.. this is one problem other people find it hard to face: accepting their faults. well, at least i plucked up enough courage to admit my fault. kudos to me.

i feel that i'm always around when the conversation does not involve me.. hate the feeling cos i always dunno how to react to these kinda situations.. within a week, it has happen twice.. when i ask, nothing is said.. to people out there, in future if u do not want me to know about anything, please do not talk about it in front of me..

i can be a fun person to talk to. i can be a fun person to make fun of. but please know ur limits.. it's kinda hurting to me when sensitive words hit me straight in the face even though i know that it's meant to be a joke.

i thought i found my friends and all to fill my life.. but recently, all seem to slowly go with the wind and drift away from me.. real slow.. at work, in sch, at home.. everywhere... i seem to have lost the bond i have with almost everyone..

no one understands what i mean, no one understands how i feel..

it's ok. i'm still me. no change. i'll keep on trying..

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