Sunday, October 24, 2010

been almost a month since the last post... i've been doing well these days... occupying myself with work, gym, guitar, friends, and night life...

yap... i've been in the mood for drinks recently... and ever since i met eric, i begin to enjoy drinking in places like pubs... especially the live band pub that eric brought me to once... i enjoy music, enjoy drinking, enjoy immersing myself in the atmosphere...

went to a club yesterday with eric... something different and new to me.. cos i visit pubs most of the time... music is great.. but i still prefer pubs...

most people ask, 'why you so emo? why keep going drinking?' to me, drinking can be a form of enjoyment, can also be a form of stress release... so to me, it's a good thing. at least better than me cooping up alone at home and facing the wall all day right?

i'm contented that i have friends who still take time to meet me, who still cares about me.. i'm contented that i met new people, which means new injections of friends and new activities for me...

besides being busy with my own personal activities, i was also busy helping my girlfriend for her wedding preparations... despite the things to be done, i enjoy every minute of it.. i believe that as long as i put in my fair share of effort in everything i do and giving my best to all my friends, my conscience is clear. i dun owe anyone any explanation, and i will be happy too..

and i need to emphasize this again: things do happen for a reason... i lost my blackberry in shanghai, but the good thing that happened, i got the company of clement and his friend..

i lost a lot a sleeping time.. but the good side to it: i got to spend time with my friends, and enjoy myself..

and last night when i was at the club.. i suddenly thought of clifton, my friend who had passed away.. i dunno why, but he just came to my mind.. and then i thought to myself, maybe he was trying to tell me to be happy and enjoy myself while i can...

and i did.

things do happen for a reason...

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