Monday, February 13, 2012

Wondering: why are there so many people around me experiencing heart wrenching issues?

One's grandma passed away on cny day 1, one's suspected victim of cervical cancer, one who just suffered a miscarriage, one who just broke up, one who's caught in a triangle relationship, and one who just got into a debt cos of her previous bf.

All these happenings around me, makes me so upset and moody. Wish I can do something to help them.. If I can solve the problem w $$, I already have. And those that i can't, all I can offer are my advice and my company, my presence, my friendship.

Honestly, there's nothing much in my life that requires me to take a ride on the emotional rollercoaster... Nothing that is worth being happy about, and nothing worth crying about... But somehow, it's the monotonous life that's causing all the restless feeling in me... The kind of feeling is like, as though u want to watch a movie w someone but can't cos of their commitment, as though u want to call someone to chit chat but the fear of disturbing them is there...

Sometimes, the feeling of trying to be nonchalant sucks. Random thought but that's how I feel. Nonchalant about how my friends are using me, how my friends are taking me for granted, how small I am in the eyes of the people who are so so important to me. It's not always that I'm ok when I say i'm ok.. You know?

But rest assured, if there's anyone who tries to harm my friends or do more bad than good to my friends, I'll do all I can to protect them. That's my promise to all my friends out there..

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