Wednesday, June 03, 2015

At this very moment, T should be Getting ready to fetch his bride. Out of all the guys I've dated, 3 are married. Out of the 3, think T is the one that Really got me thinking, why isn't the bride me. Not that I have deep feelings for him, But more of being compatible in terms of character, that allow us to be each other's companion. I think Maybe That's more important for me at this stage of my life, finding the guy whom I dun hate, who loves me enough for me to live the rest of my life With. 

Till the moment before He left his house to fetch his bride, He was still chatting w me... when I'm all the way in Frankfurt. I Dunno if what I'm feeling is right, But I guess It's gonna be a 心中的遗憾 for him. He doesn't seem to be excited about his wedding, nor does He seem to be looking forward to this need phase of life w his wife to be. 

Frankfurt Really is a place that brings back a lot of memory. When I was dating N, we Skype all day and msg each other all day.... smiles on my face, basking in his love. When I'm dating T, He changed his duty to come to Frankfurt w me.. we went to Heidelberg for a day's trip... it was So refreshing, having someone close to me on my work trip. And now I'm in Frankfurt, reminiscing the good times w him, while He's in Singapore, Getting married. 

Irony of life isn't it. But all is good. I'm Happy for him. And for me. loneliness reset, But It's not something I'm not used to Anyway. 


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